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I PAINT I-lint I Tily run it lo Church Simday El:ht , ; Yellow, Olire I.ake. Brewster aml ¦¦¦¦ , l.r-c,,-. No VoraMling neceser. Drlr. li rj ; j lth "alae." Une Co.U and jub is do,,e. ¦ .- L YOUR BUGGY Xj i , ¦' Doön, Store-front. Screen Doon. Boat, „? _, M,., .-s. li..,i h. ¦-.. 1,1 1-,'t eiervllir'-r.. Ju-l .= „0 0 Uling lor the la.lieí I use about 1M I SFOR ONE DOLLAR SCOITSHONEST 0% Are MM eolni: to Paint thls ycart If so. don t o . - bina painl contwning wmMr or beruiiie wtien %íl tai (ha aiae nioney (or nerly so) youin proturf „ __ - "" iOIT A C"M II Uk I'IXT tl, ,t K wmrr.ntrrf to Jg - Smui MMlSm, HEIW UMKCMML MIM "8" "T l,r.nd ad Uk u otbrr. Mi-r ,liant han. Imit Je? lo ¦rr.Dlil lo car 6 1KÁIM Hh 9 0AT8 r i S #% a TItBI 2 "ATS. Óuf BhadM re ijj UJ ,„ ,...,..,!., "in the West, nd i,p Hh the tullí-. S3g ÍS Irv tlU brand of IIONKKT PAIXT nd yoU .,11 -J 5O ,lu,c-r retnt it. Thii to tlie vise is s,,H,c,ci,t u v = HOUSE PAINT fjl COIT'SFLOORPAINTBi!=j Palnt that never dried beyonii the ïticky i),nt, aB¦ ¦ week nxM the Job, and tl,.-n íweart #¦ BK time cili fer COIT i W FUMMI PAIK1 _ BC 4 tip,iUr aii'l sutt.iMc -.hado. wrrBlffl to drr _ ZZ k.rd rork .,r .Ight. No tro Me No -3 g -aWONT DRY STlCKY[g ¦ ¦ni II Kewardcd are tlKwe wbO r.-Hd giPTIT y tlilH and then act; Ihey wlll flud lÜQUl lionaruble employinent that wlll not take thera from thelr horues ind families. The proflts are large and Mire or every induBtrloua persol), many have made and are now maklriK several hand red lolhirsa month. It 1h easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per tay, who Is wlUlng owork. Klther sex, young or oíd; capital notneeded; wi tart you. Kverything uew Nospeolal ablllty rcqulred, you, reader, can lo It a well as any one. Wrlte to ns at once ror ful! particular, whlch we malí free. AdlresH SlTnson & Co.. Portland. Malne. Dr. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE asri lk contains no Opium or dan. 5 fl erous drug. Can be taken Í3l hy any one at any timo A'LmS 'lrh'' latrtt and bert Dlf MfíílKfk rorerr for HKADAt'HE. APTÜBt. MM NEBV01SSE8, 8PA8M8 T SZ3 fïiCM SLEEPLE8SNE88. FIT jBftjSlKBlí KKXI AI. WKAKNES8, arK wWy MtBVOt DIStAsrs. Sold by DruggistS. Sample Bottles FrM tt TJ PTU R. ES. tEGAN'S IMPKRIAL TRÜSS. Hplral Hprlng, graded from 1 to i poundH Ín pressure. WOUS DAY ASD MIGHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, or an adultSOyears. Ladles Trusses a perfection. Endose staraps for testimonlali. of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜS8 CO., AWW ARBOK. MlCH. flnifCp7CCPQ orothen.whowish to emin AUVbli I IwCHv thispapet.orobtain eitimatet on adveriising space when in Chicago, wiil find IX on file at 45 to 49 Randolph St . . Ann TUAUgf thoAd.ortuingAüancyof LUÏIU tt I UBUiQ THIS PñPER "- -- n I niV ¦ n ¦ aWll HOWELL CO'S Kewspapor Ailvertlstog Bareau (10 Spruca kFtlf UflBI be lÜiuic for it lu llblff I UI1la Notlce to CreIIlors. STATKOF MICHIOAN, Connty or Washtenaw, as. Notice Is fiereby givfn, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Coimty "f VVahtenaw on llie tlrst day ül' M irctl, A. . 1SÍÍ8, slx rnonthn frora ihat datf! were allowud for credllara to prevent thcir clalmv aeninat the extate of David w. Noyec, lute of naid county, deceaed, and thnt all creditors of sald duceased are required ro prt-sent their cltiima to gaid Probate CourL, at the ProbateOölce, In the city of Ann Arbor, for examin itlon anr1 allowance. on or before the lt day of September next, and that nach claims will be hearrj netoru said coart, ou Prlday, the let day of Jnne, and on barurday, the lst day of Sepumber Dcxt, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of each of aaid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, March lat, A. D. 1888. WILL1AM D. HAKKIMAN, lS'.ö-loW Judae of Probate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News