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MVHO.VIt' IIIKMTOHI. A!1 Arror ToMMAWDKRY, No. IS meets first Tnesday of eaeh iuoutb, W. W. N k-hol, E. C; W. A. Tolcuard. Recorder. Washtksaw Chaptek, No. 6, R A. M.- Meets tlrsr Monday eacn raonth. J. L. Slone H P.: Z. Kontli. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN OrFicit, Room 4, Masonic Bi.ock. Office hours : I to 12; tl to 6 p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PMYSICIiVlSr Office Over First National Bank. Hocrs at Offk-r : 10:30 to i a. m ; 2:30 to 8:W D. m. Can be reached at realdence (West Huron street, the "Prof. Nlchol place") by telephone, No. 7, and wlll reply to oalli In tbe eveulng. Wll.l.l WI IIERZ, House, Sigu, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlui?, QlazInR, Gilding, and ('alcimtninir, and work of every descriottou douc in the beet style. and warrann-d to give satisfaction. Shop, No, 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A C. MC HOI., Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, MuMiuic Temple Bluck. GASorVIÏALIZED AIR A'lmÍQÍ9tered for the pafnlees extraction of teeth. O. ILL. MARTI1T,' CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And CoramoD Cofflns. Calla attented to Day or Nlgtil. Krabalmlng a speclalty. Sto'erooiu 011 E. Washington street. Resldenue Cor. Liberty and Flftn. W. II. JACKSON, IIIE3H3ffl!irilIIIS!l"riL OFFICK : Jrer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. G.ÏÏ.St.GLAIR&SONS MANUFACTURER8 OF SÈölaiiCtocli FÜRNtTÜRE. III'MII lüllSE ('II MIS &ND WIND-MILLS. Are dow prepared to manafactnre School and Ctaurch Knrnlture, and Opera Houxe Chalrs, Lawn Settees, Camp Tables and tbe TRIUMPH WIND-MILL rhe best and slraplest and most rellable In use. Repalrlng done on sbort notlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CYLINDEUS, PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PKACH BOXES, BERRY CUATES, In tact, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N, FOURTH STREET, ATTN" ARBOR. MTCH. - $5,000 REWARD ia Will be freely given fol ,0HM a better rcmedy fur UcadjÊ Il ache, Nervousness, Sleept jH Blfek lessncssitc.than Dr. MIIm' SS, KrHturttlve rtlnr. a '"mPBtf' llrain and Nerve food. ¦j#Coiitainsno Opium orMon phine. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Free %The Greatest Blood PurifierJQ II ThlsGreat Germán Mecllrlne 1s the. II lli-hiu.estanil best. 128lnH-xif 8l'L-# II II1'"! KIilTTKItSfortl.OO,lessthan# "J II UI one wnt a doe. It will cure the pj worst cuses of skin dinease, from# vn SS a commcin pimple on the faciw Í jjj lito that awful disenso Scroful:i. 9 IUSUI-1'HI K BITTKK8 Is the# ,? Illx'-t medicine to use In all# " ¦ l'-.'i-i- „f sucll Htuliliurn :t"'lWnir KM III llr ;¦!' -"aUvl dlseases. Do#I„,)l„ I I U uot cv,-r tako #of order. Use IU g BLUE PILLS ÉgMMVjM IIIprnion'ury,theyarccleal#uu ' M.{ _J1 Hlv. PUce toot trust ln#-v"u are fl('k'?,0IH I ISUU'liriC lilTTKIisVA"""101" wlua lM I niffi?vL silphnr Bitters !l gwlth.i yel]owBcky#Don't walt untll you ö U siih-tJiiici ¦¦; 1 your#nre unable t] walk', or n lloiHtli fnul "anij#aro flat on your back, III ¦WBfctlvcy Your#l't get Bome at irr, ui I lllKtiiniHrh Is ont#wlll oure vou. Suliliur Mofonlitr. UseiVBitters Is Qbl7ii'Ti" ;usThe Invalid's Friend.H IIm"""l1'".''lyirThcyonnr,thcageilniiil Iot-È3 IH i 'olJr ' rtorhi are bood made wcll by III line thlrk,ti uw:. BememberwbatToall roJy. eln-Wread here, It may save yourlll Hl -" or#lf, It bat Kavel liiin(lreds.l Muu wait untll to-morrowt ! f Try a Bottle To-day! E3 ¦I S # Are you low-splrltel nnd 'niak,l lf bo, l-LI'HUK BITTKltsll I jfwlll cure you. 8end S '.cent stHmis t. A. P. Onlway Co., tuu,Mtta8.,f(ir beat medical work puhllstiixl?


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