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p?pRicr$ CREAM Its superior excellence proven in mili ton s of hornee ir more iban aquarterof apentnry. it Ir used liy (he United Siates governim-nt. Endorsed uy the henrift of the í reut ITniversii u a Al t st coimes i , Poreat, and ni ojal ileuii litul. Dr. Prlct-'s I lie 011 1 y Bftking PowtfeMnal docfl tiot (Mnitaiii Arnmonia, Unir or Aluin. íSold omy in cans. PRICE BAKING POWIIKK 09., NEW YOKK. CBICAOO, BT. inris. c7h7 MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! íío. 4 South Main SI., Aun Arhor. The olilest agenry in the city. BatobUlbad over a quarter of a century ago. liepresentiiig the foilowlng tlrst-olarta compuníeR, with over $60,000,000 Capital and A Meta. HOME IN.S. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO.. of New York. GIKAKI) IXS. CO.,of l'hilaclelphla. 0BIBNT INS. CO.,of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Lonilon. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, -Of JÍOstl-tl. Ratea Low as tlie Lowest, Loases Liberally Ailjiívlcil umi promptly l'nid. C. H. MILLEN. ÑFAÑTÍLE Skin Diseases. our o.det child, now ilx yeftri of nge, when nn infunt ex m-mtlis oíd, was attacked b a vinilint, ijialttriiHnt ek tu diseñe. All onltiury n medien fuiltng, we called our family phyniciitn, who at tem pted to cure it; bal ii roresd with ftlmot incrvdlblv rupidity, until the lower portioa of the IttUe fellow e perpon, Iri m Üh: nrdiHe f hie bnrk down to hi knceH, was 0L6 olid ranh, ugly. palnt'ul, blotchcd, and multclons. we hatl uo real nt ntgbti do i care by dv. Finally wc were advípd to try thfCUTicUKA Hemhuiks. Th" effect wie'mply marveiluiif In or four B com piule core wíp wroiig it, loftvtag the Itttlfl fellow'l jxersou a while an i tienlttiy ar inotigh he luid nrv-r ben d. In my opnlon your vahiHble remedies raved hit Itftet, and 'o-day he ÍHagtnn:, licalthy child, p rfectly wH, no repetition of the dlseane having ever occurrid. (iRO.R. SMITH, Att'y at Law and Bx-Tron. Att'y, Ahland, O. Rkperrnce: J. i.WeHt, Drupgiet, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are born Inio !he world every day with finnt ecze mitoutt allV-ctioii. furh uh niMk Otutt, ¦(¦ 1 hríi'l. hcurf, or dandrufl'. pare to nevelop itito un mddIsing eczenn, (he iichiní;, bnriiliiL' HLd 'lí-ílgur tion 01 whK'ii m.iki' Ufe a prulunged turiure unkss pruperly trtd. A warm hatli with Cuticuba exqnisf'c Skin Btíintiller. añil a ni' yit npp jcatton of Cutí cihi, the (ircat -kin Cure, wilh a Hule CfTiru a Ke KuiKH, ihe Ntw Blond 1'urtili r. oflen finflcient to arrest tb pnwreM i'l ih diseae, and pointtoa spi'fdv and imrainrtitcnre. Henee, no mothrr who luven her children, who takciprlde in thelr beam , porlty, ind luaih. and In bes ovnvg npnn th m a chll IV greatect inherifnce,- a Kkin wiihimt a bUiui-h. and hody DoorWbad bv pan blood.- t-imuld lall to m ,ke trial of tbc Cdticura Ksmidiks. Sold everywhere. Prlcc: Cuticuba, 50c; Soap, 25 c; Rks.ii.vknt, l. Prepar d bv the Puttkk Din A CuEaiCAi. Oo., Biwton, Mast. PBSend for "llow to Cure Skjn I)lcasca," Cl paea, 50 illustratiuna, and 100 tcstimonialü. D A D V'Q skin and Sca1'1 prceerved and beantiOrtD I o fied by CutkuhíMkdkatkuSoaf Constitutional Catarrh. No single dlsease ha entailed more sufrrinfr or hastened the breaklng np of the cunetitution tban Calarrh. The sense of emtll, of taste, of slght, of hcarmu, the human voice, the mlnd- one or more, and eometlmes all, yield to lts destructivo Influence. The polson it dlalribnte throui;hout the nyttem attacka every vital forcé, and breaks up the most robust of cor stituti(nf. Iirnored, bfiaÚM h t Itttle DDderetood, bj moei phyelclans, Impotently assalled by quacks and charlatan?. Ihose aafferlna (rom it bave Hit le bope t !"¦ n-lleved ot It thlf Bidé of the erave It I timo. Otan, t e popular treatment uMbln tcrribln clint-ase hy remedias wlthln the renen ofall puswed Into h:mds ut once competent und unilworlhj. Dw and hitheito untrli'd method adopted 'y Hr. Sandlord In the prepararon of hls RADICAL ('IKK han won ihe h'Tíir ty approval of thomandí. It is lni-tantaneons in atfordini; rcllel In nll head coldo, ineeans. Miiulllini; and uMtrncted brc-athtng, and rnpidly th- oppreislTe nyniptuniH, clearing the head, tWMteDinf) the b'ro'th, mtorlOK the senses or imell, (ate ana hearing, and neutralizin the eonstltut lonat tendeney or the dlsease tuward ihe lungí, livor and kidneyn. Sandfokd's Radical CURk conslsts of one bottleof the Kadicai. L'uke. one box of ('ataiirhal Boi.vent, andonc Ihpkoveo Iniialeb; price fl Pottíb Druo and Chkmiual Co., Uoston . KIDNEY PAINS, Slralns anI Wciik nessex, _te Helleved in 01 e mina ¦ b tbat miirvolnHQ on Antidote to l'.iln Influintnation an .r i:knes. tlm uíh'iira Antiek fñ vai PIbhIct. Tb; nr-t apd only WL. OTÍB-klIHnn tfengtbenlng pla(er. Kk JL pinallT da d ío loe anüy relieve ai.d speedily cure Kld.-ey and Uterlne PJnenJ Weak ness. Warrantfd va-tly nnp.Tior to all other plaa ern. At 11 dru(!rlpt', 2t cents; ve for 1.0(1 or, pos'aíe fre, o( Potthr Ul! & Ciikmk ai Co., Bodón, Mus. Piso'8 Cure for C'otifX suinptioti is aiao tho bout E: Cough Medicine, g If you have a Oongfa 3 -nitlllHIt. (IÍSC1( Of til" BJ m Lungs, a few doses are all R you need. liut ifyou ne9 gle!t this easy means of 3 safety, tho slight Cough K KJ may become a seriou gl Ea matter, and Beveral botEj 3 tles will bo required. L


Ann Arbor Courier
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