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Iiiterostinfr Facts. Changa In the braiu and narre are the most isommon cause of dlsense. Their Influence on il1 body i wonderful, Bhame flottaei the paleatmitd feir hlanchea tho rosiest cheek and whltena the blackest halr in a nilif. Worry canses dyapepfeia mid hastens oíd age. Terror or excltement often mum instant death, etc. Dr. Miles' Iiestorative Nervine removes the effecta of worry, overwork, nlcoholic exccss, morphine habit, nervn-!is iiyspcpsift, 8leeples8ness, headaehe, ({enralgia nd nerroua prostratlon. Bold by Eberbach ft Son. .We on this globe are like insects in a garden ; tlici-r lint live on an o:ik seldom meel tbai pass their lives on an ash. - Voltaire. It may sound stranpe, bnt Ibeüevethat i is harder to love onr neiehbor perfectly tlian to love God.- Gean N. Gooi). Wonderful Popularity. The faot that tbe ale of Dr. Pierce's l'li asant Tin r;itive Pellets exceeds that of ;my other pUI in the raarket, be it i_Te:it nr unall, is oh account of the fact tlmt thcy aro tiny, little, sugarcoated granules, nnd that In most cases one littli- "Pellel" is siiftlcient for a dose; tliat lliey are purely vegetable and perfectly h.innless; and for constipation, biliousiicss,si(k lipadflche.iind all dissaces arising f Kim derangement of the. liver, stoinach. or bowl-N, tliey are absolutely a speclfic' A entle faxatíve or active catliartic, accordlwg to size of cloee.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News