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DON'T SCOLD a man for groaning when he ha , Rheumatism or Neuralgia. Thepam , ia simply awful. No torture in the . aneient times was more painful than Hum iVlii iHiMHini But--ouehtn't i h man tobeblamed if, havinglthcuïnatisin r Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-l"-ph"-n.s, when it has cured lliiiiMtnfli wlio Imvf nffeced in tlie nana' way ? li ha oured hundradi after phyriciana have pronounccd tiiem incurable, i Th.'! of fl phyuician oonld not cuni nie of HlipumntiMin which ha'l ettlea t iiithebips neck Mul shouldfr. Sí intensa ¦ wm the pain tbat lOenp wai almost imponi hihlr ïiio lirM di of Alhlopbonm Kv . mi' ivluif and tlu-tliird enabled meto Vp I forfour nd huif hem witboiil uakmii. Ii-iintinn!d ititiiM' luidamnowwell." j Kby. 8. H. TKOYKB, New Albany. Ind. ja-SendCicciit i'nr tbebeautlfü) oolored pictllR', " MOOrill MllidrU." i THE A THLOPHOfíOS CO. 1 12 Wall Si. N. ï. I This is the Top of the Gkxuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. All otliers, similar are i mitat ion. nTpvThis exact Label ] iOSS5s?y isoneach Pearl i fjk H Top Chimney. j LJB BfSraH8rj-cq'ea'crrna sa i Vk IBtwlMtËXj Lii id think he has jffgïi&rrr otters as eood, CrfyEP BUT HF. HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. F03 tUlt EVESYWHERE. MDÏ ONLY EY 6E0. A. MACBETH&C8., Pittsburgh. Pa, All Drageiits, Ko ÖOc-, nd $1.00. Prrpared onïyby Dr. fleth Araola, Mcd. Corp., Woomocket, K. 1. CHAMPION CREAMËRY7 ' f Awardprl FIRST V" ,. '. I' H K M 1 I' tl over - "erytbin at the Ca reut M. l.OTIS IAIH. fl! hrMÍ!!ít U" Han botb Surfnet uinl " 'A Draw off bkiminin 'I ii. ¦¦ i. iittaihiueiit. Draws EtrL 'A dÏ8 'THE BEST ('KEA.WÜR V of il ll Lij - - l 1 ontneinuket One VQJH - :1 ' at wholeule infloe wban ¦-rNJ mJ tíu're are no aKents. Davia Swinif Clmnis. Eureka au.l Skinner llutter Workera, lic'HWtt Butter Printer, Sc, Sc. DAIRT IHPLEMENT CO., BELLOWS I' il.l.s, VT. THIS PAPER a?fnn ¦ iinj ¦ nr kil howell & cos Newspappr Advertislng Bureau 10 Spruca strTt),wiun-ii.iv'r. BiFui unni be luoüo for il iu 11 bil B Vllll This is Mot a Lie. A Missouri man says tlmt lie reoently went into the wooils, paioted u black circle on the end of :i loj;, and when he went back to the log u buur later he fon n d three bundred dead rabWtl there, the animáis tiaviní mistaken tlie oircle t')i' a hule in the log aml dahe(j tlicmselves to death agaiu8t t. Bluce his story lina iippearcil In print, he has received letters from thc pubtlsbera tít scveral New York dailies otl'ci iiifi liim tlie potttimi of hiíilavit clerk, bis dutlM belog to pwear to tlie eiiculation. lint he cannot tell a lie. - Nonistown Herald. .Tnal as black as it is painted- Tlie hih liat.


Ann Arbor Courier
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