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IMtllU Diid'i roit. A..W hok ('niiM LIO1BT, No. IS meet tirst Tui'Mlav of ach inonth, W. W. Nlehols, E. C; W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. VVasiiif.n iï i'hvitkh, No. S, H A. M.- Mflntfl flrti Uonday eaob immili. J. L. sioni' H P.: Z. tlosth, speretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN Otfiok, Room I, Wasostic hi.ock. Ollicv hours: M to 19; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Offick Uvkh KiKsr National Bank. Horus ai OvriCS: lOaeto --i a. in ; 2::il to 8:10 ui. Can he reachud al restdence (West Huron treet, tlie "Prof. Nlchol place") by lolcpti-ni-', No. 97, and will reply to calis In the eveniag. WIL.L.IAM IIERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! foperlog, Glasjng. Qlldlng, and ('nlcimininc, and w irk or arftrj ie dons in the best styltMmd warrauct-d to glve atiefactioii. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A C. NICUOL.4, DE1TTISTS. Rm!iis Ovit Ann Arltor Savias Rank, M.ionic Temple lílock. G&SorVITALIZED AIR A'liuinÍPtorMl ftr tht' niiiil'jit eitraction of toeth. CLOTfl CASKETS, METALIC And Common i'oitlns. Culis attented to Day or NiKhl. Kmbal mina: a speclalty. Hto'eroomoo 1'.. Washington street. Resldeoce Cor. Liberty and Kiltn. W. I!. .IACKSOX, JüESIinNrilTIIIIISIITII. OFFICE : Jrer Ruch & Alicl's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. G.H.St.CLAIR&SONS MANÜFACTURKRS OF FÜRNITÜRE. OPBRA B0Ü8B CHAIR8 AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufactnre School and C'hurch Furniture, and Opera House Chair, Lawn 8ettees, Camp Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL flie best and slmplest and most rellable tn use. Hepairlng done on short DOtlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CYMXDER8. PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, I'KACH BOXES, BEKRY CUATES, In (act, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR. MTOFT. - $5,000 REWARD - will be freely givcn fol. rifl Bft a better remedy lor Head JM H. acht, Nervousneas, Sleept :yi ÜS '..iï llr. Miles' ¦¦JfcJt Kestoratlfe Nerilnc a Vwl' Brain and Nerve food. SEr Containsno Opium or Mor. phine. Sold by Druggists. Sample Botlles Free %Jhe Greatest BlnoJ Purifier KNOWN. #1 I TbliQraat (erraan Medlctne Is I IUchenH.8tan,ibe8t j _. -. , . . ; , i #T I Ill-lli ttB!TTKB3for$lX)0,les8than#a II cenl ¦ dose. It will cure the# t UI Hwont oases ol Un dlaease, trom# pj g:i oommon pimple m the f;ir,-# ; M ¦ that Hfiii dlsease ScrofuU.# r ITI ll-ri.i'iii n liirn.Ks ia n,.# IMuet mi'iliclnu to ii-c in MM Ijl 1 of suco stubborn :iii'l#yn„r KM II ü BLUE PILLS #8ÜLPHÜRQ IlormciTurv,t!ieyar((lend#ltlrrll; ''ffl IH'y. Place your truel in#yonaTegIck,iion Ipl'l.l-lll K BrTTI l#':ill'-rl'atiiilb II lltliit purest and l,.,i #"". us0 IS6 ever Sulpliur Bitters ! Ij Wwltlin vell,,wKtI'ky#ron'tvnlt nntil yonQ ¦ ftnubtaace? Inv.mrHrc unable to walk", ur Ifl iin':,tli foul and#ue flat on yonr imrk.lll raoffenslve? STonr#but get aome at onoe, 1: III I 'i i-i ont#ill inreyuu. uhliur I l"f m-.i, r. Dseif Bitter li Q i'.i'i'i1' '.UThe Invalid's Friend.iS U'mi li:',"y#ThoyminK,tlioal;'ïg Iliii",' ,'¦#"¦'' "aiv soon ni:i.l.-.-llby l'"e ek,tuse. RememherwnatTonM ln"y' #n:"1 hePB, il ni;iv uve vourll lluuy, wMu.% lt ha, Kn,.,t i„„„ired8.l U #IJun'twalt untilto-morrow, II f Try a Bottle To-day! Q 3" Ë Are yoo knr-iplrited and wi-iik.lll or Bttfltertng fpom tl i "til a#youth? li so, SULPHUR ltllTI.U.-l I Wwiii cure vuu. Send 3 %-kkvw. st:uiiia to A. 1'. Onlway A Co., tuu1Muait.,for bes medical wort pufiilalied?


Ann Arbor Courier
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