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pRPRicrs CREAM gAKlNg lts superior excellence provenTnlnriiions of homes for moreihan a quarlerof arentury. It is uscit by the United stalt s (jovernment. Endoraed by tlie heads of HieGreat Unlversities the StroDgeat, Parelt, and most lipalthful. Dr. Prloe'l the only BAklnff l'owder t hat does nol I IjiIii A [iiiiuiniu, Lime or Aluin. Sold ouiy In cans. PRICE BAKING POWDEIl CO., ¦KW Yoi.K. 'Allll. ST. I.OÜIR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main SI., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over aquarter of acenlury ago. RepreNeutlng the followlng Uixt-class companleB, with over $00,000,000 Capital and -i-.. HOME INS. co„ of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. ORIËNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. OOM M KRCI AL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Bostou. Rato Low as tlie Lowest, Loases Liberally Adjnsted and promptly l'ald. C. H. MILLEN INTANTILE Skin Diseases. our oldest child, now six years of pge, when nu Infnnl a x iu'Mth old. was attacked by a vlriilent, malIjrncDt skin riiheaee. All ordinary r medies I lilinir, we CiilU-d mr family physician, who Ht ti'iiniti-d to cure t; bal il tun-ad wlth almon lncreolhle n plditv, nntil tbe lower ponlon of the liltïe ft'llnw e paraos, from the in'ddle of nis bark duwa to hi kun-, oí e -olid rash, ugly. piintu!, blotched, and mahcloup. w'e had uo rest at ntgfbti do i-uw by day. Kmally we were advieed to iry CrricURA Iíemkdiks. Th'' fdteel m e mpiy marvt'iiuu- In thrre or foor weekn a cora píete cure wu wronglit, leaving the little fellow's per-ou & white an i neHlttiy as tuongU he had never hcen attack' d. Ín iw ip;nion your valuable readiespaveri his Ufe, and 'o-day he icaetrimtí, healthy child, p rfectly well, no repetition of the dlaeave hkív.ii evcr occurred. OEO. B. SVITH, Att'y at Ijw and Ex-Proc. Att'y. Ashland, O. Kkfrremce: J. G. Welst, Drugglet, Axhland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are born Into the world every duy with fome ecie tmtoua aflft'Ction, soch ae milk ciuet. íca.l head, tcurf, or dandruff. snre to develop into an a?onizing eczema, the Itching, burntni: aud olNflgur'itloii ol huli make life a prolunged torture unleBs prnperly tri-ated. A warm bath wlth Cuticuka Soap, an exquisito Skin lít'autitler. and a sbigte app'ication of Cutiri ka. the Great kin Cure, with a little Coriruni Kkvkihck, the Niw Blood Purilier, ík ofteu sulficlent to arreet the progrese of the dlsea-e, and point to a Kpeedv and peinvinent cure. Henee, no mother who loves her children, who takt-B pride ii. their heHut' , purny, tiiil heaUh, and In bes i.wlrg npon thim a chUd'l u'reatt Inhi'ritaiKc, - a skin without a bleml-h. and a body iniitripht'd by pure blood,- stiould lail to ni ike trlal of tbe Cuticura Kkhediks. Sold everywbere. Prlce: Cuticüba, 60 c. ; Soap, 26 o.; Kksoi.vknt, il. Pnpart d by the 1'orrKK 1ki'( A Chemical Com lio.-ton, Musa. t"Send for "Uow to Cure Skln Dlieases," 61 pagee, 50 lllustration, and 100 testimoníala. n A DV'Q skin ñn Scln preperved and beautiDAD I O fled by CüticukíMkduatkdSoap Constitutional Catarrh No cintile dieeasc han entailed more suff.'rliik' or hastened the breking tip of the constitutlon than Oatarrh. The sene of smill, of taste, of sight, of hearing, the humiin voice, the mind- one or more, and pomutlmes all, yleld to its destructiva inflnence. The poison It dintrlbutes throughout the syatem attarks every vital forcé, and briakn up the most robust of corstitutiuns. Ignored, because bit little understood, by most phvslclans, impott-tiily Hssatled by quacks and charlatans, tbose sufferinif from it have little hope to be relieved of It this slde of the crave It is time, then. that t" e popular treatment of thln terrible dlsease by reniedlei wlthin the rech of all pimsed into hands at once competent and truntworthy. The new and hitherto untriid method adopted y Ir. Snrdtord in the preparation of hls Radical 'i i i: has won the heai ty approval of thousaiidn. It is lntutaiieou in atfordiug relief in all head coldw, meezing, snuflling and obstructrd brt-atli inti, and rapidly removes the oppressive symptoins. clearing the head, eweeteuing the brenth, reelorini; the senses of amrll, taste and hcarini;, and neutralizing the ctmstltutloiial tendency of the di-eaae towards the luDgs, liver and kldneys. SANnroKD'H Radical Cüri conslsts of one bottle of the Radical ('uke. one box of Catahbhal Solvïnt, andone Ixpkoveu Inhalsh; pric ¦; (1 POTTKR DrUO AND OlIKMIOAL Co., BOSTON. KIDNEY PAINS, Slrains iiimI Wcakncssps, , Heliuved in ore niiiiii e by ihat marvel"TPH ons Antidote to l'.iin. Inflnmmatlon'and rBr Wetkoau, tbe 4'utirura Antlf ¦ 1'niii 1'liiMler. The Drt and only I"V palB-kllliii(tetrLMigtheiiliig piaster. Es1 JL p,-( uilly adapt.'d to iris antly reli'-v.' and speedlly cure Kidney and Uterina Pain and W.nkMt Wirr.nt'd vntly nnpi-rior to all other plaa ers. At iU drorlt, V cents flve for $1.01); or, poüate fr.'e, oi PoTTCB Dki u Jt Ciikmical Co., BoBton, M is. Piso's Curo for ConB3 Bumption is also tlie bost Ka tg Cough Medicine, g pH Ff you havo :i ('niinli without, disease of tlio PJ Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you negle;t this oasy means of El safety, tbe slight Cough KH KI muy become a Berioua 3 EJ matter, and Boveral El tles wiü bo reijuired.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News