Jack And I
I wns so tlred of Jack, poor boy, And Jack waa tired orrae; Most-lonited-for sweeta wlll soonest cloy ; Fate bad been kind, and we, Two foollHb spendihiill bearis, made wasH Of i lir's i--t. nis witb tíager baste. Oh] tlred we were. Time seems so long When everylhing goes wetl I The walls of home rose grim and strong; Like prlsoners in a ceïl We clauked uur marrlage chaln and plnec Forfreedom we had lefl behlnd. Tired, tired of love and peace were we. Of every day's cal in bitas Í We had no goul to win Rince he Was mine mil I WM bil ; And so weuiglted in mute despair, And wtHbed each ottier uny wliere. But Horrow carae one day - the pain Üf death's dark, awful fear; Oh, then uur hearts beat warm again ; Tliuii otn-li to imita wiisdear; It meroed that life could nothing in-k. Whlle Jack had me and I had Jack !
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News