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How Do Colored Voters Like This?

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Cleveland Leader: The following extract fiom the Manstield Shield and Banlier, one of tlie rankest rebel lympathütlng sheets ever publislied in Üliio, otight to convlnce our colored fricnds of the undylng love tliat the democratie party entirtains for iiny and all of their rce. We are afhamed for toe State of üliio (hut any suth man livcs within its borders. Tlie only Batistartiou to be gotten out of it is the faot tliat he correctly voiees the sentiment of liis party, nd it Magood tliinjí once in u wlnlc to liave sucli natten put oa record, l'he insultIng pantgrapb remis ai foliowg."It aU this repulilican blather nbout 'a free vote and a fair count' amuses the dflgruntled editora of such sliccU as tht) Cleveland Leader und tbe Manafleld News, they are welcome to equander their editorial pace In tliis nialiner. But they eiin be assured of one thing, to-wit: The white people of the South ure polng to rule and the time wlll never come when tlie nifigers will domínate a single State, Conjrressional district, or county in the South, no differenee how numerous the Atrlcans nmy be or how few the wliites. Tliiu is a white man' country and the white people of the South are doiiiif exactly riglit to muintain their aseendency. And what are you Kepublican monrnen gomi to do about it?"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News