üled of Heart Visease. Many eminent men, among tliem Mr. Vandei bilt, Mr. Hi'ndricks, Gen. McClellan and Josli Iiillins died ui licart diseiiM' la-i war. Authoriües state that one person ili every fuur luis it, tlioujfli few ktiow it. The symptoms are shortness of breath, pain or teuderness in side, palpitation, clioked or smotliered feelinjt in chest, tendeiicy to falnt, swelling of feet, ankles, etc. If you have any of these symptoms do not f all to try Dr. Mllet' New Cure tor the Heart. For sale at Kberbach & Son's Drug Store. MHny men of many mlnds; Miiny puls of vnrlous kinüa. Bnt for i mild, efl'ective, vegetable purptlve, you had better get Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant Purgativo Pellets They cure sick lieadache, bllious headache, dizziness, constipation, indizestion, and bilious attackf; 25 cente a vial, by drujfgigt.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News