Pancakes In Variety
On i cokl winter mornings pancakes of all kinds hold an important place at the breakfast table. The cherished buckwlieat cake, most prominent of all trom llianksgivinsr Day until early Spring ia seldom absent front the morning incal lu the germine American hous'.'bold. When properly made, this is the most delicioiia of all the griddle cakes, but it lias been against it when made froin yeast or risen over night tbat It wu difücult to inake li?ht and sweet, and that disagreeablo effects frequently followed its eatinif. It is found tliut by the use ot the Ruyal Baking I'owder to raise the batter tliese objections have been entlrely overeóme, and that buckwheat cakes are inado a most delicioii8 food, lighf, sweet, tender and perfectly wliolesome, that can be enten tiy anyone without tbe sllghtwst digestivo nconvenieuce. Ouce tested trom the fnllowlng recvipt, no othtr will be used: Two cups of buckwbeat, one cup of wheat ilour, two tablespoons of Royal Baking I'owder, one half teaspnonful of salt, all sifted well togvthn. Mix with. milk uto a tliin batter iiid bake at once on a hot griddle. The purest and rlchest syrup is made by dissolving sugar in Ihe proportion of three pounds of sugar to one pint of water. Many persons prefer the flavor of syrup ruade of Orleans sugar to that made of the white. Rice griddle cakes are very delicious. The rice is cooked until perfectly soft, drained dry, maRlied wlth a spoon uutil the grains are well broken up. For each cupful of rice take two eggs, one pint of inilk, one heaping tablespooa of Rojal BfckiDg Powder, one-halt' teaspoonful of salt, and flour enuugh to make a tbin batter. For hominy cakes take two cupfuls of cooked hominy, and crush it with t potato-maslier until it is a smooth mass. Add one level teaspoonful of salt, two teaspoonfuls of lioyal Baklng Powder, and onecupfnl of tlou r. Stir togetheri theu add by degrees one quart of inilk, and lastly three well beaten egga. Bake in tliin cakes. Very delicate :md delicious cakes are made by allowing two teaspoonluls of Royal Baking Powder and onc-half teaspoonful of salt to one quart of milk, and sulllcient corn meul, mlxing all into a smooth, tliin batter; no egs or butter are used for tliese. 'fin cakes bake quickly to a rich deep brown, and are extretnely tender and Jiijht. A very delicious, sweet pancake is made by takliig one pint of sweet milk, tour eggs, two tablespoonfulá of powdered sugar, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one teaspoonful of Royal Baking Powder, md tlour enoagh Lo miko a stift batter. Beat the egga, wbltoa and volks separately, until well frothed, stir the butter, tugar, and one cupful of flonr, Into which the biking powder has baeo mixed, into the volks, then add the milk. If needed, add more flour. Bake in small CakMi butter each onc as it comes trom the fire, place four In a pile, with very tliin layers of any kind of sweet jelly between and powdered sugar over the top. They should be b.iked very tliin and four served to each person. " Upon whom will Nasby's maulle fall?' asks an eichange. Don't know, butifit falls on any weak or common man it wlll mash him so nut that his best friends one know hhn. 'l'li.ifs a pretty big niantle to fall on anybody.- Lansing Republlcan. The Bepubllcan evidently has not Been the efforts oí the fellow In the last Argus. He is probably one ol the ablest ape-rs of the dead humorist who ever condescended to come dowu to eaith and )iit bis tliouj{hts( ?) on paper. Tbc agitation against the sliameful illustratcd papers on our news stands and railroads is bcginninc to produce an effect. The sale of a certain class of these pictorial sheets bas lieen forbiddeu on the Boston and Albany railroad. It. is rijfbt. Their admissiou into a car or depot is an insult to every wonian In it. Will not nthur r:ii 1 ro.nls follow the
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