Kciu'ws Her Youth. Mrs. I'hulie Chealer, l'cterson, Clay Co., Iowu, tells the followlng remairkabl story, the trutli of wlileu is vouclied forby the residentsof the towo: " 1 am 78yetn olcl, have been troubled w'.th kldney cmnplaint nml lameness t'or many yonr: could not drcss myielf without help. Nowl ani free from ui puin kndaoraneM, and un ahle to do ïny OWB bouwwork, I owe my thiinks to Klectric Ititters for Imviiijr renewed my jonth, nd removed conipletely all disease umi pain. Try a bottle, only '0c. at Eberbach t Sou's Drug stoc.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News