HOUSE- Wauted to rent, for u term of y.'iiis, ultulle for keepltii; IkuipU'is convciiiint to tin' l'niversily. AadreM, 95 LOCK BOx IS, Wllllamston, Mlch. F OU SALE vacant lol. No. Í9 8. Main st . Iuqulre of He, il Mogk, Hl L. Uriiner's shoe store. A 400 ocre farn 6 milW Ir Murían, tlie Co. seat of Murlon Oo. Kansas, to exeliange for smaller furm near Ann Arbor, Mlch. Kend for our Real Kstate Journul. K. . ( 1, MIK A Co., Lauslng, Mlch. FARM FOR TRADE. ASPLENDID Farm In tha adga of a villagein Uoneeee county, wlili wooil and wutiT, for trade for Ann Arbor property. lanbesecured at a baraln. 95 Knquireof J. K. litAL. IM UENNETT wishes to state that lie j, ha-s do agent or asslsUuitin the twibn-lues, and that any person reprejenUng hlmelf to besut-M 1 afraad. L.M. HENNï.11. Ann Aliliolt, Fob. ïth, UtB. T)E8II)ENCE No. 101 S. Main h(.,Iim JtV Inquireon prenalscs or nt County TrcKKurer's Offlce. CHAS. H. MANLY. PROFITABLE Employment for any y man or lady. Extra percentage. Immedluie returns, no risk. Agents wamed to uil Tas Missing sbnse. seiis easlly at slglit. No (ubsorlpilooa needed. AdüreM O. w. WOULDRIIJGE, Ann Arlior, Mlch., or cali at 45 8. Ingalls st., A. A., lor particulars. EEAL ESTÁTE KOR SALE OR RENT.Houses and lots valned from il. fiiUOO and containlnK from oue-flftli ol an acre to twenty acres-all In tlie city liinlts. ll(uiese retitt-il on raaaonabla terms in oentrui localltles. Farms exchanged for olty property. Enquire of .!. (. A. s.'sslons, Atlorin-y and Kil Batata Agent, )illc' ovar Express Offlce, Main St., Ann Arlior. öltf LOANINO- Money to loan on flrst-class Keal Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of ntarest. ïiaiafactory arrannemcnts imule wlth capltallsts desiring raoi invt-Ntmenta. .vtry conveyance and transaclion in ; t - utracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. V. K.INC1. Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor Courier
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