Pittsfield Caucus
The Republican electora of Plttííield are reqaeated ti meet in cauous, at the Town House, Thursday, March 2!tth. at 2 p. ru., for the pnrposeofnominatlnga townshlp ücket, and lo transact fiucli other li.is!iit's, MBM9 properly come before the nieellng. By order of ComniiUee. M r. Case, Chnlriii.ni. Repnblican City Convention. The Republlcnns of tlieclty of Ann Arbir wlll meet lu city cooventlou at the (Jlly HhII on ThursdH.v. HaroU 3Vtb, at 7:80 o'olook p.m., for the purpose ot ntiminitttng c:uniiilulfs for t'lty ornees, and transactinK sucli other business a inay properly come before the meeting. According to a resolutlon Hdopted at the lat Kepiibllcan city couvcntion each ward will be eutltled to one delégate for evory S votes cast for governor at the last prccediug elecllon. On basis the va? lous wurds ol theclty will be eutitled to representativas as foilows : Vote. Delega'et. lstward 403 16 J.l ward II .11 ward 3tt! 12 il h ward 813 12 Mh ward Iti4 f. (itb ward im; 7
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News