Republican Ward Caucuses
The Repnbllcan Ward Caucuses of the city of Aun Arlxir, wlll be heid un Wednesday evenlng, at 7 :.iO o'clock, local tlmefortlie purpose of electing delégate to the City Conven llon to be he.u Thursday evenlng, MarrU '-t, at the fo.lowlng places: First ward- Slbert SorR's Palnt Shop. Second wanl - H.rlz's Paint Shop. Third ward-AgrlcultunU Kouin at Coort House. Fourth ward- Flrcmnn's Hall. Klfth ward- Knglne House. aiztn ward- Knglne HoQse. Bj Order of tile Wahp OOKJUTTSBS.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News