Bounced Out Of Iowa
Prof. Dickie, who is the head, front, wlicol-liorse, general manager and chairmao of the nattenal committee of the prohibition party, attempted to po down nto lown anti tench the pcople their political duty to the tliird party, but they didn't want him there, and resented hls coming. In fnct. plainly told him that he was nnt wanted. The State oigan of the W. C. T. ij., tlie lowa Meaaeager rcad this lesson to him : "The presenceof the chairman of tlic nationnl committee of the prohibition party in iowa with the avowed purpose of organmng that party In the state, but provea that party prohibitionists are more vltally ItiterWted in tlie 'piopaamla' of a party tlian In tlic sucet-ss of prohibition. With the proliibition so much a succes in this state without separate party action, and its lurther snccess nbtolutely depeadent upon the continued pollcy of non-party ac-lion, it can le uothinr leta than mallce aforetliought wliich instigatM au active party prohibition campatfra In lowa ander tlie direct direction of the Uational prohibition party." To add to this the lowa Methodist, which oecupie? a like position in tluit state to the Chrlctlan Advocate in this state, warned temperance people not to fall into the trap, and Chairman Prof. Dickie left lowa, canceliug all of Ma appointments. Probably tbe saddest Incident connccted witli ttie recent great storm in tlie east was the effect upon the legislatures of New York and New Jersey. It actually caused au ndjournment of those bodlee for two or tliree days! For two or three days the people of those states were deprived of the combined wisdom and comiséis of their legislative solons! What 8 loss of life and property to pucli a eahunityü! Will our free trade friends picase point to a perlod In the history of tliis nat'on when it prospere under that pol cv? Erery time, without cxception, when the free trade element of th? nation lias become uppermost, a season of great com mercial and business depression has followed. And mark the prcdk'tion, dear reader, it will be the rare reroll if tried again. Wellington R. Burt, Hie greiit democratie chitfiain, (if the Snginaw ralley, who wints to run for governor, is president of the Michigan salt association, which is a pool or trust. Directly after lie took the position, the association advanced the price of salt 18 cents per barrel, or from j2 to 70 cents. And yet our fre trade friend of the Argus would make you believe that uil immopolists were republicaus and menibers of the tarifl" party. D. Bethunn Dudleld. of Detroit, lias fears that Ihe local optloo law will prove lesH effectlve than the tax law. He la the father or thesystem In Mlchiiinn, and manyan indulKPntparent is hljnflel to the faults of his offspring.- Stockbrldge Sun. In all due deference to the the Sun, we shall have to dispute lts assertion. Mr. Duffield is not tbe parent of the tax system in Miclii;an. That law was born rijjht here in this city, born of necessity, and it has served a nioft excellent purpose. The iirst liquor t;ix law ever in this state was an ardí nance drafted by Zina P. Elag, Eq., during lus term as city attorney of Aun Arbor, and froru that has come the more general lnw adopted by this and other states.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News