Editorial Notes
Mm k the prediction that the demócrata ivill liever allow Mr. Breen to contest Seymour'a seat. The South Lyon Picket has a column of "Cucumber Hints." lf the Picket wlll w-iit a little the cucutnbers won't ieed any assistance in l lint line. Jim White, the 3rd baseman of the Detrolt's.bai a grievance against Manager Watklng, and rcfuses to sign, altlioiigh lie wanta to Hite a doft. He has written an " open lettel " to Manager Watkins, wlii'.h proves hiinself to be not as wise in lila head M b is strong at the bat. Later- Jim wlll sign, and the world brcathes waler. Urge the proper offleials to keep the ro;id?, especially the hills, free from ¦mail rolling stones. It is a comparatirely c:i-y matter to do this, and the cost is very smal!. We have a doublé Interest in tlii-, hut farmers nd all are very much Intenated. More horses have had legs brokflD by these mail rolling stones than from nther causes arislng from defects in the hiphway. Tlie celery raiseis have fornied a "trntt," or in other words have pooled ilicir Interests. Now do you know whcre the blame comes in? Very easily aniwered. Tlie tarlfij of course ! To be sure there is no tarifl' on celery, bul that makes no diftVrence, the tarifl" is to blame j ust ihc sume, lf wc didn't have a tariff about ene-half the people who now buy celrrv conldn't afl'ord to buy t all and then of oourse there would be no excuse for a inoDopoly. Doyousee? Snmo of our democratie newspapers attempt to criticise Senator IngaH's speech, bccause he referred in uncompllmentary terms to Hancock and McC'lfllan. But these same pa])ers have not a word of condcmnallon for the red-hot rtbcl .-peeeh of Senator Vost whlcli was an insult to every soldier who wore the hlnc, :iml to whlch the speech of Ingall's was :i n')!y. Hut tlien, thegray a]pears tobe on top now, and thenorthern democratie jounials dare not oflend their bedfe!lvs. lf any one thinks he can pack a oaucus thisspring with impunity - or non-voters - Just let him glance over the provisions of the new electlon law and see what lie thinks about it : l iider the law no oiie is entitled to vote ut a MOCO! who is not a legnl voter ol the townablp, villaje or votinic district In whlch the oaucoi is held, and any one votes luider a name not lus own or in tt'iitioually votes without the right to do so,nr fraudulently conceals or deslroysba lots (iist, or who shall In any way intentlonally or wroniifully depmdt ballots in the box or take tbem, or coaunlt any other trainl or wroni; t'-nding to ffec tlie result shall be deenied (ruilt; of a misilemeanor, and Inible to a tine not to exceed $1,000 or imprisomnent not ex ceedinjl one year or botli. A person cliallenu;eil l)y :' lawful voter will have to make oath thiit he is a legal voter and a false oatli is perjury. The presiding officers and the inspectors (telleri) are required to síiíii and snear 10 an oath simi lar to tliat required of inspectors. The recent jfieat storm in the east suj; gests to one's inind how easily the tleinents cmild combine to sweep off the face of the earth not only the wholo hu man taniUy, butall the monuments rearci hy bruin Rad muscle: our houses, our temples, our great libraries, in tact every thiiijr tlmt exista. lf it isdesired to perpet ui te in an endiiring manner our his tory for future people aud nutions to rea over, it iniüht be well for the trovernmen to have made a libniry of buoks (porlmji after the fashion of books for the blind in baked clay, tliat lires could not bun nor moihs and rust dustroy, and have Uu in atored in some great vault made to endure the ravages of time and the destroyinj: element. Elseour liistory and onr literatura may be swept from the face of the globe, even as was that of the Chaldoaill and Assyrians, which the ntlqoarltlM are now catching glirupsesof from inscribed tableta fouud in mounds aud luins where they have laia for ihoaMlfdt u pon thousands of years. The Howell Republican, which has been a linn and earnest worker for tempe ranee and local option always, has tuis to si v of the recent treachery of the prohlbltloa leaders in that place: Tlie Kepublican did not and does not qaestion the right of the third party to Domínate whosoever It pleaees. What f lid tnd do question is the good faith of Ihe leaders of the movement. The wolkers at the polls exhibitcd more interest in securiug votes for the democratie Dominee for president than for their own, and this in the lilit of their loud and oft repeated declarations that n man bound liy word and (leed to the strict enforcement of the prohibitory law should be elected. And the Kepubllcan is not alone in the view of their actions. Many democrats, while acknowledging the service leudered, cnndcnin the course pursued by those professed apostles of 1110raüty as hypocrltical in the extremest si-nse. Tiie saloon keeper wtio oomes out boldly and works for his business is entitled to more respect than those who, maaking their real purpose under the cloak of morality and religión, seek to delude the public. Il the course pursued by thOM profoaaed moralista at the polls last Moiulay is a specimen ot' the course ntcessary to be pursued to elévate the third party to the high position sougbt, ilicn wu pix-dict its speedy dissolution, as we do not belleve the rank and tile of that piirty will countenance it. rroliibition city conventiou Thursday eveuing March 22d, at the city hall. Mr. and Mrs. II. limlicld of the 3d ward, pasaed their 5'2d marriae anniversary yesttTclay. Monday an old gentleman named Bent, of NortliUeld, had an arm ao badly laeerated iy b(inir thrown upon a buzz s:iw that he had to have it aniputated. Dr. Breakey oi' this city assisted Dr. Smit li of W bitmore Like in perlormlng tlie operatlon. The Nortli Lake Cor. of the Chelsea Berald telU of fatara bliss in store for some of oor ('ti.eti8 iu the tollowing: "Mr. U. C. Olenn is makinjr elabórate prepaiations for the Ann Arbor campers next season by building cottages, both frame and log " Alma B., wlfe of üeo. W. Brown, of the poatofflee force, died of diabetes March Utli. aged 5ö years. The funeral occurred trom the residente, and the reniains were taken t' Ypsilantl for interinciit. Mr-. Brown had been ill for a long time. Lust fall nu onlv sister, Mrs. Amelia Heartt, came from Florida, to eare for her hut sickened and died in December. Now Mis. Urown has gone, the last of btrr family. Mr. Browii bas th(i syniiathy of mnny triends iu bis atHiction. Tlie very pleasant and interesting talk of Prof. Harrington last Thnrsday evening, on the occasion of the lHth anniversary of the Woinnn'a Foreign Missionary society at the M. E. chureb, was rery entcrtainiiig for tliose fortúnate enough to be prescjit. Tlie professor told of (he necessity of more w.urk In Hondura, there being luit two missionaries there at present. He spoke of the country, the people and their peculiarities, elc. There was hut one railrotd there, and a person iu a hurry took a mulé in preference to a Irnin, or went on foot.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News