The St. Patrick's Banquet
Piobably one of the most plasin: aiu hap]iy occasions which bas taken place in tbia city for a long time, was the aniniiil banquet given by the Aun Albor J,and League, at Hangsterfer's hall lap Krlday evening, in honor of St. Patrick's Day. There were covers laiü ior 100 guefts, and every cover w unoovered. The hall was handsnmely decorated for the occasion, the eilief feiture brinjr : line picture of "tliat grand olil man,' Gladstone, draped wilh American ant Irish fl igs, while emblems appropriate t the tlie dtiy were all about the room. The tailles werp placed iti the fonu of a crogp and the contentó - thi la told us by gooi Judjres - were never Hiirpuesed by any baiu[iiet ever served tUtrein. A portiou ot tlie uveninji was spent in pleasant couversation in the parlors of tlie hall tinti au adjournment to the banquet room was announced. Edward Duffy, the gentlcnmu whoni our Únele Samuel has appoititcd to attend to his postal business at tliia place, presided, and announced the opening o: the mental refreshnients with a few appropriate remarks with reference to Ireland and the duty of her sous as citizens of ihis republic, "the grandest nation on which the sun ever shone." Mr. Duffy, thougli brief, crowded many good thiiuhti and wliolusouie Ideas into bis rf markt. The first response was from Mr. Gco. B. Greeniug, to the sentimeut, "The Day we Celébrate," and he presented soiiic very appropriate tbougbts, tracing the history of thls festival from its earliest period up to the present time. Quite appropriate to this speech carne the good old song, "The Harp that Once Tino' Tara's Hnll," rendered by Miss Rose Seerey in such a sweet and pleasing manner as to merit much applausc and pralse. Mr. CL V. O'Conner had " The Piesldent of the United States " to reepond to, and he did it with eloquent words, receiving the credit of being surpasstd by none of the speakers of the evening. He was brief, but every word counted, and every sentence rounded a well-made point. A charm of public speaking UuU but few possess. "The Trials of Ireland," were told by N. P. Whelan, who reviewed the woes and heartachef, the trials and problema of the Emerald Isle for the many years past, but predicted for her a brigbt future. Jas. E. Harkins didn't speak, althotigh he is known to be way up on toaft-ers, but he sang of "That Letter that Ncier Came," in his inimitable and happy style that has crowned bim In the minds of his fellow citizens, a peer if not a superior, of Scanlan. Perhaps the very best toast of the evening to which to respond was that asalgned to T. D. Kearney: "Gladstone," and right well did "Torn" handle it. He pictured the famous Knglish stateeman in a happy light, telling of his help for Ireland through all of bis career of late years, and of his determinatiou not to until justice should be meted out to that beautiful green isle of the sea. Mrs. Seger, accompanied by Prof. Kcnipfon the piano, sang ttvo or three songs in such a manuer as to fairly en trance the audience. Mr. J. W. ü'Hara told of "The Iiish Race in America." He pictured theiu as being true to the land of their birth imd tt rice true to the land of their adoption. A duet, "Barcawle," by Míís Theresa Breiman and P. A. Hayden, was i'liaiminglj' rendered umi roundly applauded. At the close, a vote of th'inks was given to the MpcaWers, the singcrs, tbe band, the Hangsterfer Co., and in fact to every one who had asaisted in nukins the occH-ion such an enjoyable one, and at about 3 o'clock a. in. the company dep.irted to their homes, well plensed with everybody and everythlng. J. C. & W. W. Watts have just coinpleted and forwarded a bandsome jewi-1 for the P. G. T. I. M. of the Grand Council R. & S. M. of Michigan, Mr. W. S. Gulley, ol Detroit. Eddie Manning, the young son of John Manning, of the 3d ward, died very suddenly lat Thursday. It is thonght be took cold while taking part in the entertainment of the X ml Queen, and dealh resulled therefrom. Ilis parents have the deep ympathy of many frietuU in their allliction. Spier & Kulms, architects of Detroit, have been awarded tbe plans for the new 8' uden te' ChrUtlan Aisociation building to be erected on their lot on State st., directly oppoxlte tbe umin hall of the University. These same architects have aUo heen awarded the plans for the new D. K. E. society hous and aUo for Prof. Carhart's house.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News