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Circuit Court Proceedings

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Tlie People vs. Qeo. F Qalr, Bastardy. DUcontinued by consent, in other words settled. John A. Sclimid v. Eliia Smlth. Diocnntinued by consent without coatï to either party as against the other. Thomas Y. Kayne adlnitted to citlzenship, March 19. John W. Clark, administrator of the estáte of Napoleon Oerman vs. Han na h Germán. Appeal sent for valué of a horse. Verdict for plaintiff, damages 6 cents. The People vs. Chas. Pierce and Jopeph II. Oakley. Larceny. Arraigned ai d plended gnilty. Jennie Westfall vs. Michigan Central R. R. Ou trial. E. 8. Milten left for Ann Arbor Monday, on an extended visit. He hopes to bc iniprovtd in liealth so as to be able to commenoe work for L. 1. Turrill & Co. by May lst. - Fnrwell Reeister. Mr. Mlllen waschosen clerk of the villüjte at the animal charter election, on the republlcan ticket, by a niajority of three, the average of the ticket. At the sume election, Herman V. Roys, formerly of this place and editor of the Register, was elected trr.ü-nrrr iinanimously, being put on both tickets. Chris. Jetter, an insane man, carne to Ann Arbor town front Orand Raplds, about three weeks since, and has clereloped such symptoms as render hls conaigmnent to an asylum necessary, and Sup't Müion will take hlm back home to Grand Rmiidg to-day, to have hlm cared for by the proper authorities there. A telegram from Farwell, Clare Co, announces the death at that place of John Fowler, a young man about 30 years of age, whose parents reside in tliis city. The cause of death was being itruck by a falllng tree. Any one liavinir the unbound numbers of the Century for 1885 can flnd h purchaper for the same by Mklrettlng Iiox 1313, city. Anti Arbor and Washtenaw County people who vinit Detroit, -vrill finrt It very pleasant to stop at the Brunswick House, where Chas. B. Woodward, forinerly of the Cook House, in this city, is servinj; on the office stalt'. The Brunswick is centrally located, kept in good style and has one of the best reputatioiis of the numerous Detroit hotels. Among the many new things which Ann Arbor is constantly bringing forward, perhaps one of the very best is the new steam laundry of Messrs. Steffy & Serviss. These gentlemen come here from Dayton, Ohio, and are practical men, having had yenrs of experience in their line. They have had the building and machinery rearranged throughout, and are prepared to do as good work at as reasonable prices as can be had in the City or state. They would be pleased to hare yon cali on them at their place of business, No. 23 S. Fourth gt., next to WiUey's music store. Just drop in and examine some of their work and prices. An exceedlngly fine assortment of baby carriages is now on exhibition ut Martin Hallkr's- (late Koch & Haller, 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty streets. J T. Jacobs & Co. had such a rush for i the water-damaged clothing that the stock ] was sold before they scarcely knew it. ' Now the new spring goods which were laying in the depot when the water pipes buret, are being opened up, tnd one of the fineiit sights ever seen in a clothing store is to be viewed there. See whut their new ad. says about it. ; m .


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News