DRESS G-OODS. INIIUlllU Al - D. F. SCHAIRER'S. SPRING DRESS GÖOOS SALE OF GREAT MAGNITUDE, AT POPULAR PRICES. Over 200 pieces now open all wool Newton Sultings at 30c worth 40c. 40 inch French Suitings in Check, and Brown and Gray Mixtures Importad to retall at 50c. We bought 35 pieces and will sell tliem at 25c a yard. Biggest bargaln in Dress Qoods ever shown. 15 pieces Marión, 52 in. Ladies Cloths in the "latest colorings." Gobelin, Mahogany, Olive, Navv, Golden Brown, Myrtle, Bronze and Sapphire, worth 75c. Our price will be 50c a yard. 20 pieces Botland, 52 inch Billiard Cloths, Broadcloth fluish at 75c a yard, worth $1.00. 10 pieces 52 inch Engliah Broadcloth's in fashionable símiles of Pearl, Fawn, Leather, Copper, Steel, Gobelin, Olive and Navy, at $1.00 per yard, worth $1.50. 25 pieces 36 in. Wool Tricota at 40c a yard. Sold in other stores at 50o. 100 Cross New Dress Buttons at 10c, 15c and 25c a doziMi. 50 pieces New Braids to match New Shades in Dress Goods. It is an estiiblished fact.- For many years too - that we stand at tlie herid for Cholee DRES3 GOODS at low prices. Ladies! It will payyou tolook tbrooffb our Dress Goods Department. D. P. SCHAIRER.
Ann Arbor Courier
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