Were all wlse enough to heed thls advice In season, aworld of sufferlng would be avolded. The best montbs In which to take Hood's SarsaparUla, tlie great blood purlfler, are March April May At no other te ason Is the body so much in need of, or so susceptible to the benefit to be demd trom Ilood's Sarsaparilla, as now. The lmpoverlshed condltlon of the blood, the weakenlng effects of the long, cold winter, the lost appetlte, and that tlred feeling, all nuke a good spring medicine absolotely necessary. Trjr Hood's Sarsaparilla and you wlll be conTlnced that lt is the Ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla gold by all dngglitt. 11 ,lx for ft. Prepared onlT bj C. 1. HOOO A CO., ApoUiKtrlei. Luwen. Mau. IOO Doses One Dollar
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News