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CET THE BEST FÏRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. ocurity tn-ltl fr Ihc protectlnn of the poltcy CHRISTIN MACK Kvnrwenti th teliowlDí Brut-elu1" companie, of which mie, th -tttim. bai utone PW ,0,000 ure lo"ms iu pxty-flve yeare : Mtn% of Hartford 9,103,644 Frankliii of Philadolpbia 8,1 18,713 Germtniiii. N. Y 8,700,739 Gterman American, N. Y 4,06tt,908 Loiuloii Ajraranoe, Lomion... 1.416,788 Michigan F. A M., Detroit... 87.608 N. ï. Underwritera, N. Y 2,596,67a National, Hartford 1,774,505 PhcBDlx, Brooklyn L769,036 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly pa!d. Policies issued at the lowest ratcs of premium, llitltf JAMES R. BACH, FIRE AXD LIFE liURMCUGiüY ! Xo. 16 Eust Huron Street, Opposite Cook House. Ten First-Class Cotnpanles represented. Assetts Over $25,000,000. 1.119-1369. I -j UNIVERSAL fcL m ?;LLL Í WMttalt t Kttail. Old Rathi Rfnewed. f L S.d fcr Ohnkn. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mlch. A COMI'I.KTK ARKANGKMKNT FOK Phjsici3.cs aai Families. S'siter, Cheaper, AMl MilliK CONVENIENT THAN A 8TATIONAKY BATHTUB WITH NO KXHENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURKS. 32-83 THE ANN ARBOB SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $6O,OOO. Orranized under the Oeneral Banking Lw ol tbis State, the stockholdors are individnully linble Tor &n additlonal amunt eqnal to the etork held by them, therehy creatliig a liunrantee Fund for tbe benefit of Depositors of $100,000.00. Tbree per cent. interest 1b allowed on all Savings Deposlt of one dollar and upwarde, according to the rules of the Bank and interest comp tunded leml-annurtlly . Koneyto Loan on nninciimbered real estáte and other good security. DIHECTORS: CHRISTÏAN MACK, Wï. D. HARRIMAN. ff. W. WINES, DANIEL IIISCOCK, WILLIAM DBDBKL, WII.I.AUO B. SMITH. DAVID RINSEY. OFFTGBSSi C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN BIS, Vlce-Pre C. ii. HISCOCK.O.ishter. A FRIESDIA WARMN0. ' Twiis the earlv gniy of moninc i In the country aud the town, Wben throogbout tln land tliis warninfr f Tohl the folks of prieel down; Swlftly llew the npwa all over, Everybody heard the cry And the folks rere just n clover, i For they knew hanl times ïiint lly. GooOyenr stmek tho blow so fair ly Tliat bard times do more can nc; He liHsmet tliis power w aquHTely, That it gives all man surprise. And if you should chance be needlnjf Auythinif in Goodyear'i line, riien hls low prloet uow be bcedloz And purchaae trom his stock so Une. i A stock of lruis and pure jrood oils Of evcrythintf that lek folki need u well, 1 At prices for the man who toils, And prices that are sure to teil. And if you need aught In hi line, And wisb to btiy iicw to me beur, Just cali and see the stock so line Kor sale at bargains dy Ooodycur. o i i i


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News