THE FINE8T CATERING! FOR PARTIES, BANÜUKTS, ETC. E, V. HANGSTERFER, 28 MAIN ST. BEAL ESTÁTE AND INSURANGE AOENGY. OF J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected on reasonable terms. None bul old and first-clasa Insurance Cnm panle represented - with Insurance capital of (10,000,1X10. Rates as low as any other nHurance company and losses promptly pald. Offlceover Amertcan Express office, Main streel, Vnn Arbor, Mlch. AM ARBOR SMALL FRUIT NÜRSERY. All kinds of Berry riant. Fruit and Ornamental tree f rom ELLWANGER & BARRY, Rochester, N. Y. Orders sliould be sent at once. "wiites &c S"X":r,tj:ps. Sweet and Sour home-made Wlne for Invalld, liiuH'.st'tt schrub, Ruspberry 8yrupst Drled Pears, Raspberry wlne. l'l. 111(1 Til ROCK H.i.f. E. BAUR, WEST HURON STREET. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lonrest Rutes, Honorable Adjitstinents umi Losses Promptly 1'uUl. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attkntion oivrx to Collkction of Rents ano Manaokmekt of Real KsTATK iNTKRKSTa POK NoN-RESIDENTS. EN11KK HATISKArl'IU.N TO OWHERS Ul'AKATBBD. A. DeFORKST.
Ann Arbor Courier
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