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Martin Haller

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To the People of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County : As wülhe noticedin anolher column of this paper, Ihave bought the interest of Mr. J. Koch in the Fuiniture business of Koch & Haller with the mtention to carry on Furniture business at the same place with full as large assortment of goods as the ohl tirm ever canied. L shall make every effort to always have on hand the best assortment and latcst designs of Bedroom, Parlor, Dining, Library and OJice fnrmture and especially for the spring trade my stock is most complete and certainly will enable any one to make a suitable selection. ï also make to order in all kinds of wood, Desks special patterns, Book Cases, Cabinets, Tables, Mantels, Dresseis, Cliiifoniers , and will guarantee to n'll any desired style of sofa, rocker, easy or reception chair. In Drapery I carry an extonsive line of Turcomans, Madras, Tapestry, Crete, tiilk, and Lace Curíains. Hoping to receive a shaie of your kind patronage I remain respectfully, SUCCESSOU TO KOCH & HALLER, 52 SOUTH MAIN & 4 WEST LIBERTY STREET. For the accomodation of my customerr repaïrnooffurniture of all kinds will be aüended with care.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News