Jas. M. Stafford is in Detroit to-day. John H. Qrant, of ManUtee, was in town Sunday. Progreisive euchre party at Sed James' resldence last eren ing. Mayor Smith ia in Grand Rápida, called there on business. Wm. A. Clark bas got an attack of Lis oíd eiiemy, rheumatlsm. Mra. Jen ule Koster, of Chicago, la visItlng her friends In the city. Fred. Schmid has (tone to New York for a supuly of spring goods. Miss Bock, of the 3d ward school, is cootined to her room by sickness. Miss Kniina Banfleld goes to Charlotte Friday evenlng to epend the vacation. .luim Lindenschraidt Is under the weather, or tbe weather has floored him. Geo. E. Bliss and wite, of Jackson, are expected to spend Sunday with hls paren ts. Alex. W. Hamilton left on the T. & A. A. R. R. yesterday for St. Augustine, Fla. Arthur D. Beebe, of the Tavernier troupe, igthe guest of W. W. Bliss and wife. Mra. H of Po-t Huron spent Friday and Saturday wlth Mrs. J. Q. Pattengill. Miss Bésele Collins nee Rlcliardson, of Charlotte, is visiting relatives aud friends in the city. Miss 8. C. Beeman, of HilUdale, is visiting her sister Mre. A. J. Paisley, on N. Main 8t. K. B. Abt 1 lelt tliis a. ra. for an absence of tli ree or tour weeka in New Yoik and the east. Erncst Mann, of Detroit, witli hls son and daughter, i visiting hia sister, Miss Manu, on S. Main St. Dr. W. J. Herdman and wife went to Zanesvüle, Ohio, yesterday, lo be present at li is si.-h'r's iimiriii'i'. W. H. Brearley, of the Detroit Evening Journal, was a pleasnnt caller at the Couuibr office yesterday. Mrs. Hannah Helm, of Eaat Saginaw, is visiting her cousin Miss Mary Mann, and the two are now spending a lew days in Detroit. Friday evening Mra. J. G. Pattengill gave a reception for the Misses Ballentine, Sanborn, Atkins and Miller of Port Huron. Win. Judson, H. S. Holmes, M. J. Lehman, M. J. Sullivan and a host of other Chelseaites were in the city Monday - courting. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rogers have bolh been quite seriously ill for the past three or four weeka, but are convalesclng now, we are happy to state. Comrades H. S. Dean, W. J. Clark and J. H. Palmer represented Welch post G. A. R. at the state encampment at Lnnslng lust week, returnlng Friday. They report an exceedingly pleasant time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rev. J. T. Sunderland and f'nmily, Benj. Brown, Prof. B. E. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whitlark, Mr. and Mrs. Murray White, Win. Ballow, Mrg. Sarah Gray, Miss Florence Townsend ml some eighl or ten "tliera are atttndin-r the sessions of the Unitailan convention ut Toledo. O. F. Hunt, W. C. Sprague and Frunk T. J,odge, of Detroit, carne out Fridy afternoon to attend the Betn 'riicta Pi reception at J. E. Beal's. A tuint forty othera were present and passed an enjoyable eveniDg with inusic, anpling and "{reen elephant.'' ïliu inging of Mr. Lodge beinjf especial ly enjoyei'.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News