University Items
The Phi Kappi PUi had a hop Friday evening last. J. E. Rickets, law, '87, lm located in St. Paul, Minn. J. W. Sruith, law, '87. has hung out hle sliintrk' in St. Paul, Minn. The classes in raetallurgy have been given into Geo. Whyte's hands. The seniors have decided to have a class hat similar to those of '86. La Favorita Club gave their first dance Frid iiy evening: at Nickel' hall. The Webster Society is down for a public program in Honm 24, April 25. Interest in base ball and athletics generally is beginning to revive. It Is well. Mr. Morgan, of Morgan Park, Chicago, spent Saturday with the Zeta Psi fratein ty. Hon. R. E. Frazer, of Detroit, ia to address the Unlversity brauch of the Michigan club eoon. Seeretary Wade and wlfe left Monday for a month'a absence in New Orleans, Florida and the south. Prof. B. J. Doran gives the balance of the school year to teaching the Orchard Lake boys how to box The T. & A. A. R. R. give tbe studente a benefit ot one ture and one-third to all points in the state for the holiday feason. The Homceopathlc departraent now boHRt of the laet matriculant, and are rery proad over their continued fine growtli. The freshman banquet will be held on Fridsy evening, April 27th, and they wlll mastícate sweetmeats to the music of the Chequamegons. The American Protective Tariff Assoclatiou will publ'gh J. N. McBride'e prize essay shortly as a cxmpaign document. A very sensible idea. It Is thouglit the Rominger collection wlll be purchased for the university. It wonld be a consummation devoutly to be desired, and certainly a just deed. There has been some dissatisfaction amon? the medical students over their studies. Where there has been 90 many seeds of dissatisfaction sown as in that departnient, what sort of a harvest could be expected ? The Glee Club left Monday for its vacation trip, having been slrengthened by tlie addition of S. Hawley '8f, tenor, and Clark '87, the beet whlstler who ever slung a lip. There are 18 voices now. May the boys come back with laurels on their brow. Mr. Prof C. H. StowWl goesto Washington this week to altend the International Congreea of Woiuei, over wliose dellberations Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton return from Europe to preside Mrs. Stowell wlll read a paper during the session. The Chicago Journal really admits that to find a genuine Angelí one wlll have to get out of Chicago. Here Is a quotatlou from a recent article: "President Angelí, of the Michigan University, is a short man, with a large, round, pleasant face, gray hair and a little fringe of gray beard. He has a sweet. low voice, and a most expressive vocabulary. Angelí has seen most of the world, and read all of the best beoks In it; he knowa the men and things of many cllmes and lauds; is a man of culture, of science and affaire, and bas all the simplicity of true greatness." The Evening News is getting quite expert on " nsaiie items," its latest effort n that line being the followlng: Visltor (at Pontiac asylura) " My, my 1 Look at that awful man gnash the Iron bars with kis teeth and curl hls toes through the soles of hU shoes! Who is he?" "From Ann Arbnr." "How long bas he been sof "Ever since somebody told him Detroit was after a piece of the university." But as usual the News is off. The fellow is now a Detroiter, though formerly belonglng across tbe rlver, and he is f renzled because he can't put the medical departraent in hls pocket and carry it arnund with him. The Chronicle says of the new Calendar: "It shows a totiil of 1,667 gtudents coming from forty states and territories iind thirteen forelgn countries. Michigan heads the üst with 801. Illinois second with 158, Oliio thlrd with 132. Of the foreign countries, Ontario comes first with 36, Japan second with 11, England sends 7. The Issue consista of 10,000 copies. The mechanical worlt upon the pamphlet Is superior to the usual edition, especially of those of the past two years, - - - - - p- 1 - belng printed entirely from new type upon a superior quality of paper. One will search In vain lor broken letters, a thing that had breóme too common in recent Calendara, and the dlngy, smutfaced pnper Is hIso happlly among the past features. Errors, typographical or otherwise, are very scarce, Prof. Pettee haring given his personal supervisión to the proof reading. It must be conceded that the edition is an improvement upon the pust and a credit to the Courier office from whlch It was issued.'1
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News