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Dog Stolen. On Monday, from 51 Liberty st. It was a small mlnk colored do?, with a silver collar made of dimes around ts neck; on whlch was a pinte wlth a word "Bessie " ensrrnved thereon. Suirable reward wlll be offered for the return of the same to owner at 51 E. Liberty it. The Michigan Central R. R. wlll geil Land Excursión tickets at ont are for the round trip on March 20, April 3d and 24th, Muy 8th and 22d, June 6th and 19th, 1888, to points in atates of Minn., Dakota. Neb., Kan., Ark., Texas and New Mexico. Tickets llmited 30 days frora date of sale. Will aloo on March 26th. April 9th and 23d, 1888, sell raund trip tickets at om fare to a larjre number of points In the South, south of the Ohio River and Bowling Green, Ky Tickets llmited 30 days from date of ale. H. W. Hateo, Agent. The T. A., A. N. M. Ry. Co.'s excursión to Florida and the SouHi are bein(t largely patronlzed by the people of Ann Arbor and vicinity. Mr. Wade and party left yesterday for New Orleans; Mr. Hamilton for St. Augustine, and Mr Scott for Nash ville, Tenn. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between John Koch and Martin Halter of the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, under the firm or partnership name of Koch & Hallcr was dissolved on the fifteenth day of March, A. D. 1888, by mutual consent. All dfbts owing to the said partnership are to be received by said Martin HalIer and all deviands on the said partnership are to be presented to him for paymcnt as he is authorized to settle all debts due to and by the firm and he will befound at the place of business of said late firm where he will continue the same business. JOHN KOCH, MARTIN HALLER. Dtted, Ann Arbor, Mlch., March IS, 1888. As will be seen from the abore, I will curry on furniture business in the same bulldinjr No. 52 8. Main and No. 4 West Liberty St., and wouM therefore respectfully the people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County to conTey their kind patronage bestowed on to the old firm, over to me. I shall try my utmost to prove worthy of the confldence placed in me. Very Respectfully, Mabtih Hai.lkk. GRAND OPERAHOÜSE OSE NIOHT OSLT. Monday Eve., March 26 Boston Ideal Op Co. WITH Mlle. Zelie de Lussan u MARIE la TUE I v H. II IKK OF THE REGIMENT Ten Artista, Chorus f ¦! Valcea, Mplendld Orclicstra, lUafnlfleentljr .Tlouutrd. Sale opeas ThuracUy dood t Whr's Bookrtor. HHICES, $1.25. fl.OO nd 75 cents. Theonly ohnoe to nee tht greul fuTorlte opera coinpany. Tb miuloal vut oí tb NMOO,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News