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None of our newgooda wereunpacked and most of them were at the depot when the WATER PIPE BURST I THE STORE ! We never saw such a rush this time oí the year and henee the damaged goods are nearly all gone. Some of these goods are SCARCEL? DAMACED AT ALL None to effect the wear any, only to hurt the sale of them Our new goods are now being placed on the counters, and we do say without fear of successful contradiction that we are opening the meest line of MEN'S BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ever snown in Ann Arbor. In H naam ui imi min ii we defy competition as to price, quantity and quality and with the new arrangements of our Mammoth Store we are in excellent shape sL LLoods. The mothers speak in high praise of our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. In our HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT we probably carry more than any other two stores in the city and calcúlate to sell them from 50c to $1 less than any other dealers Come to Headquarters for Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. J. T. JACOBS & CO. 27 & 29 MAIN STEEET, . ANN AEB0R I ALL WOOL PANTALOONS FOR $3. .A.T I A. JL NToble's. Spring Overcoats Silk Lined ! .A.T A Xtu flioble's. SPBDftt OVIBCOATS OHLY $5,00! -A.T Aw IL. Nobles The Dunlap & Guyer and Other Leading Hats ! AT A„ Xém Notoles. Slgn of The Red Star, 35 S. Main St.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News