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INSURANCE RAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCT OF A.W. HAMILTON Offlce, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Block. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd lt to tbelr advantage to cali on me. I represent 15 flrst-clus Flre Insurance Companles, haviug au aggregate capital over 130,000,000. Rates Low. Lossea liberal ly adj usted and promptly pald. I alio Issue Life and lo vest ment Pollcles In tiieNew York Mutual Life Insuranoe Oompany, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly polloica wrltten for thptn orTraveler'g Coupon Insurance Tickets lnxiird at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Rutea. Offlce hours froni 8 a. in. to 12 m. and 2 to 6 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Harailton Block. ABNER MOORE'S next door to the Farmer1 andMechan lc's Bank. HAIR CUTTING, SHA VING, 8HAMPOONING AND DYEING. Th best of Work men and Satlsfsctlon {uaranteed. SEALED PR0P0SALS Kor removlufc the buildings and fences (rom the present fair grounds to the proponed new fair grounda wlll be recelved by the Board of Managers of the WHHhtenaw 'o'unty Agrlcullural and Hortlcultoral Society THURSDAY, APBIL 5th. 1888. Also Propoals for building a track on ald new grounds. The Society rnrorve tbe rlRtu to reject any and all bid. For partlculars apply to A. V. ROBISON, F. B. Braus, Superintendent. Preuldent. n Jerome Freeman ! Moves from liis preseut stand over Watts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP I BAIH Rooms, Monday, Mnrcli H). M wm aai HOT BATES !


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News