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Two great enemies - Hood's tëargnparilla and mpnn: blood. Tlio latter is utterly defeated by the peculiar niedieiiie. Quills ate tbtnn that are sometimes taken from the pinions of oiip ;;oose to sprend the opinions of another. - Chatfteld. Rashness brings success to few, misfortune to niany. That la the bltterett of all- to wcar the okc of our own wrong dniug. - George Kliot. XMy-erylof wldowi take new hnsband soonest j thcre is ïiothinL' like wet weather for transplanlin.- O. W. Holmes. A "Put aud Cali." Tbis is a funny phrase to the uninitiüted, but all the brokers undcistaiul it. Thiy uu t when a person gives a certain per cent. for thi' opaon i buying or sellinr stock on i lixiil ilav, at ¦ prioe stated on the (1 iv option is given. It it often a eerious operation to the dealer, but there is a more serioiis "put and ci!P than this; whcii you art' -'put" to bed witli a Wfra (-"ld and your triemlscall a ulij vician. Avoid all tliis by keeping in the house Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Difoovery. The great oureforpulmonary and blood diOOUW Il m-tion is marvelous. Kcarcathc worst cougb, whether HOOatB, llngering or chronlc. Kor Wenk I.unjrs, Spiitinit o( Btood, Short Breath, Conwoption, Night-sweuts, and kindred tffectlont, it surpaeses all other mediolnec


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News