Xcrvous Piscases. There are more nervoug tliun blood digeases. Thus, a weakness of the nerves of the brain ciiusea lieadache, fitg, dizzlness, loplnnnoM. etc.; a wexkness of the nerves of the gtomach causes dygpepsia, pain, wind, etc.! of the lungs, malies "weak lungs"; of tlie liver produces blliousness, constipation, etc ; of the womb ituluecs irregularities, sterility, pains, etc.; of the sexual orpans, impotency, etc. For all tceaknesses Dr. Miles Kestorative Xervine surpasses all other remedies. Trial bottle free at Eberbach & Sou's Drug Store. There Is in us more of the appearance of sense imd virtue. than of the reality. - Mai yucriti' de Valuis. Wejudge urselves by what we feel capablc of doinw, while othrg jmlire u bv what we have alredy done. - Longfellow. "A Word to the Wise is Sufflelent." ( 'it.irrh is not gimplv an inconvenienc, uiil'li'iigHiit to the sufferer and disLU8tlng to others - It is an ;iivnoeil outpost of approaching disease of worse type. Do not neglect it. warnlng; t brings deadly evilg in its train. Before it is too late, use Dr. Sage'g Catarrh Kemedy. It reaches the seat of the ailment, and is the only thing that will. Yon uiay doei yourgelf witli quack medicines 'till It Is too late - 'tlll the streamlet becomes n resistless torrent. It is the matured invention of a scientiflc physlclan. "A word to the wise Is suffleient."
Ann Arbor Courier
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