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Worth Knowlng. Mr. W. II. Morgan, inarchnnt, Lakt City, Fla., was taken witli a severe Old, attended wlth a lii-tn ssinir Coujrh and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so called popular oough remedies and iteadily ifrf w worm-. Was redncfld in flesh, bad dilHeulty in brcatliiiiir and was unahle to sleep. Finally tried Dr. Klng's New Discovery for Consumption and found iminediate relief, and after u-Ing about a half dozen bottles found himself well and hts had do return of the diaease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's Ntw Discovery for Cmsuinption. Guaran teed to do jiist what is claimed for It - Trial bottle f ree at Eberbucli & Sons. It waf a Sunday school exhibition, and the superintendent was showln? off the reault of bit labor. Durinjr the exercises he asked the chiMren who coulil teil bim anythiiijf about Peter. No one anêwered. The questlon was repuated severul times, tlll finally a llttle glrl held up her hand. "WelC my d-ar," said the superintendent, "that'n riht. I amalad to sec there is one little glrl who can put these larger boys and KirU to ihame." The little jrtrl came forard to the platform, and was told to teil the audience what sbe knew of Pater. She put her finger in her uiomth. and, looking vry gmlling, said: "lVler, Peter, pumpkin ester, Had wlfeaud coaldn't keep her. Pat tier lu a pumpklo heil. And there he kept her very well." What the effect was could not be told.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News