Summary Of The Week
Ai.most tbe entire sesslon oí me senaie on the 18th was devoted to speeches of Senators Colqultt and Dolph on the President' 9 message. A resolution was adoplort for ¦ ipeoUl committee lo investígale oosdittOfl of the civil service in all branches of the Oovernineilt .. In the House the bi 11 provldlng thal the ürst sesslon of th' Kiftj --Hrst CongrWt shall begin on Morch 1, ihsa, v;is reportad mlversely. Oth er bilis were reponed to discontinue the colnge of one dollar and three dollar gold pleces, and the omnibus bill for tho admission Into tha Union of Dakota, Monuinii, Washington nd New Mexico. iNtheSenate onthollth potltions were received for on Inorean of duty on wool, for protectlon of the wool and woolen Industrie, agalnst the formation of trusts and comblnatiuns, and that the MI on tobáceo and spirits bo retained until Uio ir ileht is pald. Mr. Brown (Ga.) spoUe in advooaoj of his resolution, declariag it the Imperativa duty of Congressto repeal the lnternalrevenue laws.... In the House Bprakst rosumed hls postofüuty. The Committee on Klections in the Post-Worthinston contested case unanlmously reported in favor of (icneral Post, the sittlng member. A bilí mi peMed üxlng the charge of passports at one dollar IN the Senate on the l'ith a bill was Intro duced providíng a uniform iaw covering tha arrest and extradition of crimináis who escape to another State or Torritory. A bill was reported for the formation and admission of the States of Washington and North Uakota. Mr. Teller spoke on the Presidenta message, whlch, he said, was an attack. not on a defectlve tarlff, not to remedy inconslstencies, but to destroy the protcctive lyatem. liulogies on tho lite and character of the hite Mr. Moffatt, ot Michigan, were delivereii. ...Iu the House the time was occupied in considerlng the Senate amendments to the Urgent Dolkiency bill. B&24 were Ituroduced on the loth in the Sonate for thf lulmision of Utah as a State; authorizlng the President to appomt and retire John C. Fremont as a Majur-CJoneral, and to provida a method for the ettlemeat by arbltratlon of the oontrOTeralaê lutween Interstate rallroads and thrir employés. The bill to prevent fraudulenl mul1! valuatlon by importers was passed. Adjourned to the lüth - In the House the bill to annex a portion of Idaho to Washington and Montana, the Indlan Appropriation bill, and the bill reduclng the rate of postage on tenis. Mita, plunts and scions to one cent for each two ounces were reported. An adverso report was made on the joint resolution to discontinue the green twooent postuge stamp and return to the terraCOttB colored stamp-. At the (TWÜBg I thlrty-nve pension bilis were pused. DOMESTIC. For the flrst time in ita Ustoi; the Legislatura of the State of New York was on the 12th forced to adiourn because there was not a quorum present on account of th great snow -storm. There was no change in the Chicago, Burlington & Qu'ney strike on the l.'Hh. Several of the raüroads were hanling Jïurllngton oars in the regul ir course of business and anticipated no trouble with the englneers. Mkdad V. Milleb, who two yoars ago swindled banks ot Huroti, D. T„ out of $a,000 and fled, was arrested on the 13th at Detroit, Mloh , where he lived under the name of ÍS. AL Yin ton. At Cottonwood, Ind. T., William Yarborough shot a man nam d MaHsey on the 13th, but the bullet killed Yurborough's wife. Yarborough tlien niurdered Massey and surrendered. A 8SOW-SUDE on the 13th on Klng Solomon mountain, in Colorado, corried MailCarrier John O'Nelll oue hundred and flfty feet down the monntoin sido, and he was dead before help coold reach him. Wojliam A. l'ARKKB, who sevtin years ago mnrdered Oenen] Bïyan Cirimes, wivs capturedon the l;Uh at Washington, tt C. , and hantied by a mob. The Wisconsin PlWl Association met in annual session at Milwaukee on the Ktth. A casb of leprosy was discovered in St Louis on the l'.S tb, the patiënt being Choo Fay, a liundrviiian. Fay has been iu this country several yeara. Rev. J. R ISunch, of Nevada, Ma, was fatally shot by robbers on the 13th and robbed of $1,1 10 and a valuable watch. Ed Evekman and Frank and Moses Whitesell were killed on the Kkh by the explosión of a large steain-boiler in Durrer's sawmlU at BnrllngtOB, Ind. The mül was coinpletely wrecked. The village of Townsend, a suburb of Baltimore, Md, was partly destroyed by ftre on the 13th. Au incendiary fire on the ltftb at Marietta. O., burned the oliije ot the Marietta Reeji'ttr, hesides a book-store and several buildings, the los being over $50,000. The large dairy baru belonging to B. B. Ingraham, near Flora, I1L, was consumed by nre on tbe 13th, and thirty-five fine milch cows peri8hed in the tl nmis. The great snow biockudo at Eastern points was trradually giving way on the 14' h, and in New York City traftic was partiaily resumed. It v;ih feaxed that eighteen pilot Loats, with their crews, were lost The tinancial loss in that city alone will be $7,000,000. In Philadelphia it was still storming, but tho woather was milder and trade was being rosumed. The total loss to sbipping at that port w:is esttraated at $400,000. Neur Newark, N. J., three persons froze to death. In the States of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania the total losaos by the blizzard was placed at L10,000,000 Mississippi rivor navigation opened on the 14 th at Quincy, IIL, tbe ürst boata of the season arriving from Sc. Louis. A train vi thrown from the track on the 14th at Newkirk, Pa., by a broken frog, and one man was killed and sixteeu other persons were iniured, two fatally. H. C Leattt, one of the men implicated In the ninrder of Rev. Mr. Haddock at ijioux City, Ia., is under sentence to hang April 30 for the murder of a cow-boy over a game of cards at Dodge City, Kan., to which place he went after lasrtng Sioux City. In Chicago on the 14th Judge Qresham decided in the Wabash case that It was the duty ot a railroad as a coihmon carrier to receive and deliver freight that may come to it in the regul ar course of business, and that a road could not lawfully suspend reciprocal relations with a connectlng road through fear ot Drecipitat ing a strike. He, however, dld not think tbere was any cause for complaint against the Wabash. As to the Brotherhood strike the Judge conceded the rightof individuals to cease worUing for a railroad company, but denied their right to combine in the crippling of a road. The annual encampment of the G. A. R. Department of Michigan began at Lansing on the 14th. Neab Tolo, UI., on the 14th Samuel Whitmeyer shot and killed Qeorsre Albright, a young farmer, sent a bullet through the head of Albright's sister, and, going to the barn, shot himself. The refusal of Miss Ajbright to niarry Whltmeyer caused the trasoilv. John Sktnneu, a desperado, was taken from jaü at Hopkinsville, Ky., eariy on the moraing ot the 14th, carried four miles out of town and hanged to a tree. There was something over six hundred mlllionB of currency, including gold and silver coin, greenbacks and National bank notes in the United States Tieasury on the 14th. lM a Bina ihaft t Glenwood, P, Rioh,rd Heawoofl and Peter Hteele were killed I n the 14th by bucket flling on thom. 1 íik steaiuer Japan (rom the ' an ran luto tbe pilot-bomt Starbuck olí iarnegate on the 1 Ith, and the latter minie ' i i tli five men. At Spriugtield, Ma, on the 14th Dr. }eorg M. Cox, United States Pension Eximiner, met a woman named Eftle Ellig at h railwuy station, entered a uarrlatf wlU ïer, then beat her wltb a bottla oontalnlng lulphuriu acid, whlch Imrned out her eyes ind otherwine di.stigured har handaome 'ace. The woman was the mlntresn of th loctor's son, and it wal allegod causad alm o lead a hameful Ufe, driving hij parenta o distractiou. lUBirs M. Wabben, under arrest at Benion, Me., (or tlie murder of hin wlfe, akd 511 the l."ith tos e hls two daughters, aged slgbt and threc years reRpeetlvely. He vru luki'ii into their presence rjy an offloer, ivhen he drew a revolver and shot thein both fatally and then killed hlraself. A s rniKK of enirineers aud üreinen on the Atchison, Topeka .V Santa Fe system wi begun on the lSth ut all points on the linea. l'hi' strike created jfrout Burprlse, aa tb. road had nut beiui handling Burlington freiffht Coal boato colltded on the 15)-h In the Ohlo river at Brown'ê Island, O., and nlne boatü and eijrhteen bargen were wreoked. Over four hundred thousand bushei of ooal were scattered along the b.mWs or liuried In the bed of the river. No Uves were lot The two thousand employés of MoClure & Ca, coke operators at Scottdale, Pa., Rtruck on the l.'ith because the nrm refused to grant the demanda of the men for a división of the work. A fibk in Philadelphta on the lóth destroyed property valued at $ii 10,000. Fabmkrs at Winchester, O., on the 15th tarred und feathered two Mormon elders, ond then chasad them to the Ohio river, which the fusritives safely crossed. At Woodland MilU, Tena, on the 15th EU Dalre, a negro under arrest for bnrntng a barn, and being taken by rail to the Hlckïnan Jail, was tiken from the car by masked men and haiiifed to a tree. The strike on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road was on tho 15ih pronounced a complete failure by tbe officials in Chicago. ranensfor ml freifrht traína were running witL regularity and there were no lndlcations of dlssatlsfaction apparent The Union Pacific englneeis who struck at Council Bluffs, Ia., ratber than draw Burlington cars, had returned to thair enginea The last rail of the Denver, Texas ft Fort Worth road was driveu on the 15th at a point, twenty miles south of Don ver. li was believed on the 15th that twenty persons periahed in Easex Countjr, N. i, during the recent storm. At New Haven, CoDn., seven persons pertahed and there were over twenty deaths in towns adjaoent to New Haven, wbile hundreds of people suffered from frost-bites. A kirk on the 15th in tbe wharves at 8vannab. Ga., consumed three thouaand barrels of resin and three hundred and fllty barrels of turpentine. In a wreek on the Southern Paciflo road on the lDth at Colton, CaL, a score of loaded frelget cars were destroyed, thirteen being burned. A conductor and a brakemnn were killed. The banking house of J. J. Borden ft 8on, at Aparta, HL, was ra ded by biirglars early on the morning of the 15th and $2,500 taken from the safe. The snow-hlockade in New York City wu broken on the 15th, and the steam and street rallwuys were onoe more running. One of the inddents of the blockade w the building of immense bontires in th middle of snow-drifts. Store-keepers liberally contributed boxes, anl the big heaps were thus melted away. A FAixrso wall at a tire in Mllwaukee on the 15th killed two ñremen und injured flve othera By the flre about $300,000 worth of property was destroyed. Ubeat riamage to the oyster fleet in the Chesapeake bay by the recent storm m reported on the ltith. Over one hundred vessels were wrecked and about tbirty people drowned. Inundatton of the lowlands of the Marylaud, Delaware and Vürifini península aleo caused great Io3. The report was declared untrue on the lth that Uev. 8heldon Jackson, a Preebyterian misslonary, had been drowned at Sitka, Alaska. The throusrh California expres train on the Sunta Fe road left Kansas City on the ltith In charge of Enfnneer Ben Wnartou, non-nnion man, who was explled from the Brotherhood in 1877. His wifo waa in the cab acting as tireman. Dubino the seven day ended on the ltfth there were 202 business failures in the United States, against 195 the preTlous seven daya Outside of Chteajro, where matter remained unchanged. the strike of the enjlneers on the Santa Fe systeni was epreading rapidly on the ltith, lts effect haring extended to points on the Paetne coagt, and othir roads seemed certatn to 8 hare in the difflculty. The detenuination seemed to be to compel the Burlington road to turrender to the Bro'.berhood John Dean, of Belle vílle. O., a retlred farmer, seventy yeors old and worth $5O,000, killed hls wife on the lilth and then committed suicide. Temporary lnsanity was the cause. The Eo rd of Health of San Francisco, Oal, declared offlcially on the ltith that the Binall-pox epidemie was OTer. There wexe, since last November, 473 cases and 51 deaths. At PhUadelphia on the ltith C. M. Cnrrter, of Chicago, was elected president of the National League of Mus.uiung. Aoents of tha Illinois Central rallway were lndicted on the lti.h at New Orleana for violation of the Inter-State law by overcharges on cotton shipments and alleged dlscrirainations. This was the flrst lndlctment of the kind on record. A i'AssKNoEH train feil down a thlityfoot embankment on the 16th near Binghamton, N. Y.. and the cars caught üre and were consumed. One man perlshed in the fiamos, a half-dozen persons were probably tatally hurt and many others were wounded. It was estimatd on the ltith that thlrty persona lost their Uves in the recent blixzard in New York City. By the wrecking of a rallway snow-plow on the ltith near Sharon, N. Y., four men were killed and six wounded, two fatally. l'p to the ltith four Michigan conntles had declared against liquor llcentea and two for license. W. H. Lusley, railway mall-senrtce clerk running between MJlwaukee and Lancaster, Wis., was arrested at the former city on tha lüth for robbinsr the matU of $2,000. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Mks. Ellen Tuppkr, an entomologist of continental reputation. died at El Paso, Tex., on the 12th. The Prohibltionlsts of the First Kansas district on the l:kh nominated Rev. H. Bhumaker for Congres& Illinois Demócrata wlll hold their State convemion In Springfleld on the 2lld of May to choobe delegates to the National convention and nomínate State ofticern, and the Prohibitlonists will meet in tha lama city on May 13 for the same parpóse. Thb Tennessee DeraocratB will meet at Nashville on the !Kh of May to elect delegales to the National convention. Tm Demócrata of Arkansas wlll hold thalr ItaU oonvenUoB at l.lttl Kook May 30. Tb Republloans of California wlll hold helr State convention kt Sacramento May 1. Th Republloans of the Flfteenth Peunlylyanla dlstriot on the 14th nutnlnated irron B. Wrlirbt for Congress. Wisconsin Democrats wlll bold the.'r State lonventlon M iy 1 at Madlson to elect dele;atea to SL Louis. Thb Bt. Usv. Oeorge Kelly Dunlap, D D., iplscopal Bishop of Arizona and New iexlco, dled on the 1 Hh at Las Veeas. Thb Kopublfcaoa of Sanana wlll meet at Wlchlta on May !) lo lect dolegates to the S'atlon&l convention. Tba oonvenüon for hu nomlnatlon of State ofttcera wlll be held kt Topeka, July 24. Th Indiana Prohlbltlon Stute convention met at Indianapolli on the 15th nnd nomInated' Rer. J. & Hughea for Governor, and adoptod a platform demandlng itrlct prohlbltlon and woman miffrair. RT. Washington Gabdnrr, of Alblon, Hloh., wu eleoted Department Coinmander at the encampment of the Department ot Michigan, Q. A. R, at Lansing on the lüth. Tbi Union I-abor party of Illinois wlll hold thelr State conTcntlon for the nomlnatlon of ofUcers at Decatur on the 'Jtith Df April. Th Rhode Islnnd Republicana met In Stt convfBtlonon the ltith at lYovklenca and nominated Royal C. Taf t, of Providence, tor Governor, lhe platform adopted favori proteotlon to home labor and home lnluitry, and a reduction of the internal-reTenue taxatlon. Thk Nevada ltepubllcan conventlon wlll be held at W.nneiuucca on the 15th of May. Bikato ProoNEB wú elec'ed preildent of the Wlaconstn Republienn L?ue at the ooBventlon at Mndlnon on the ltiih. FOREIGN. Tb market place at C'abin, Hungary, was destroyed by flre on the Ktth, and mauy persons pertshed In the flamea. A simo sloop was wrecked on lhe 13tb at Lowestoft. Eng., and persons were drowned. Asneas of the 13 tb report extensivo flooda In Auntro-Htingcary. Brldges had been swept away and large ras converted lnto lakea Several villrges were sub' merged and a larga number of persons had been drowned. A TKBEinc snow-atorm raged on the 13th In Canada, and In Mnntreal and Quebeo business was practlaally suspended. At ameetlnfr of thi National League In Dublin on the 13th it was announced taat $25,000 h d been received f rom America to ald TloMxJ persons I was reported on the 14th that fanática were burclnitho houses of Protestante at Santa Barbara Osoampi, In Mexico, and that a priest named Fther Frames was causlng the outrages. Xn Belfaot teamer Galeorm Castte went ashore on tb 14th near Drumoro, and tho mastor and live men were drowned, TH bridge at Sossln, Oermany, was broken by drlftlng Ice on the 14th, and flfty persons were thrown lnto the water and many were drowned Eleven bodles had been recovered Th grand jury at Cork, Ireland, on the 15U oalled the attentlon of the Government to the lmpendlnfr ruin of landlords owlng to the great reductlons In rent A, TRA! on the Hexicun rallway jumped tbe track on toe 15th near Saltillo, and one car oontalnlng thlrty laboréis rolled down an embankment, klUlnii slx and serlonaly lnjurlne twen'y. Thb marriage of Prlnce Oscar, second son of Eing Charles, of Sweden, and Miss Ebbs Munck was aolemnized at Bournemouth on the 15th. Tb house of Uldertc Roux, at Ste. Sonhie, Can,, was destreyed by flre on the 15th, and hls ttare chlldren and wife, the latter bed-rldden, penshed In the fUmes. A weddino party of slxteen persons were cros&lng the Ice on the D nube at Neusteti, Hungary, on the ltith, when the ic gave way and all were drowned. Th fnaeral of the late Emperor Willlnm took place In lierlin on the lttth, and was in all respecta an affair of extr:.ordinary aplendor. Almost every civillied natlon on earth was represented. Meinoriul services were alao held in all the leading capitula of the world. LATER NEWS. Thi fuut-muil train on the AUuntic Coust Une went throujrh a ttestle on tbe 17 tb at Blaokshmr, Ga., and all the oars wcre demollshad. Twenty-two persons were killed outrlght and about forty lniured, of whom two were expected to die. Qeorge Gould tmd hls wife, of New York, were amon: the Injurad. A sPLKxnu counterfeit ilTe-dollar sllrer certincat. dated 1886, was being extenslvely circulated among store-keepers ia Chloago on the 17th. Thï Vennont State Democratie convention wlll be held in Montpeller May 10 for the nuiuluatlon of State offloers and the lectton of fonr delégate to St Louis. Nw lndictuients were found on the 17th agalnst slx more of the Indlanapolts (Ind. ) election conspirators, and warrant were Ufiued tor the ir arrest Thi cxuhHiiifM at tweuty-slx leadlnij clearlng-houses ín the United States during the week rnded ou the 17. h asrtrreuati'd $tf83,tK8,2!W, agalnst 870. 132.830 the prerlous weet As oompiired wlth the correcponding week of 1887 the decrease unountnd to 21 It per cenb Samuel Wilsos, hls wife and four ohlldren, Hring near Calhoun, Ky., were killed n tbe 17th by eating meat whichhad been polsoned for wolvea Th strike on the Santa Fe Bystom ended on the 18th and the engineera and flremen returned to thelr posta. Th move was made in aocordance with a request of Chief Arthur. The Burlington road was havinir very Httle trouble. Judge Dandy declded at Omaha that ünion Pacific en jtneers were Hable to arrest and lmprisonment Jer refustnif to handle Burlington businesa. At Brldgeport, Conn., a discharged baltender Tintte 1 his former work-place on the 17th, flred flve shot f rom a revolver and fatally wonndnd tbree men. Ex-OoviBNon Fairbanks, of Vermont, who was t aitlng In New Yurlc. died at the Fifth Avenue Hotel on the 17th. He was sixtylght years of age. AN incendiary fire in a tenement-house In Chicago on the 17th caused the death of two persons - Sarah Dalton, ihlrty-six years of age, and her daughter Lucy, aged four years. Two cBooKiD eleotion ]ulgesln Biltlmore - Murtm J Glark and Heieklab Best- wera on the 17th sentnced to two years' imprisII II1'"" Iücmabd Mason and wife, living near Ithaoa, N. Y. , were murdered on the 17th by a faim-hand named Robert Barber and thelr house was subsequently flred. Barber VM nnder nrrest Disasteouh floods were reportad on the 18th throughont Hnnary. Thirty villages had been rtiined. Thk United Rtatei Senate was not in sesilon on the 17th. In the House bilis were pamed inoreasing to flfty dollars per month the pensionB to the wklows of Rear Admlral Wi-1 e and Kear Admlral Wyman. Mr. O'Nelll called up the resohition assimlng Haich -0 for the oonstderatlon of labor blllH, c aiming that such bilis had beea throttleü, and the resolution was dopted.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News