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An article relative to tlie clmrmlng domestic lite of President .leflfersnn in the White House and at Monticello, amnng bit (frandcblldren, appears in tlie Marcli Wide Awake, with portr iits from paintings, antograph letters, and other illustrations. Au antiquariitn nrtlcle, of in'erest to youiij; and old. will be given in ttie April Wide Awake, entitled, "All Ariuiiid au Old Meeting Home," by Mrs. Franc s A. Humphrey, with the ancient cluirch In Halifax as a centre. It describe the quaint religión, milit:iry, and Mvia] lite in the early days of the Old Colouy. Sidney Lu-ka's Dovel, "Mrs. Peixanda," puhlighed bv Cai-sell & Co., Limited, New York, has been transí ated into Freuch by the Conntess Dillon, a daujfhter of Chat Lord llrahain, who beCHioe fAinnuthriingh liis champlonship in England of the cause of Louis Napoleon. Tlie story will run hs a erial through the Journal de Debats, the chief literary paper of Pari-, and wil! then be Issued in book forni. Notwithstanding the absence of international copyright, the American authnr is to receive a handsome (inpens:ition. Loe and Sliepard's Kaster Hooks. In tliis colleotion "f Em4N novelties are, "Arisel My soul, Arise!" by Sarah Flowrr Aflama; tlie autipr of "Nearer My OoU, t(i Thee; " ö-e the Land, lier Enster keeping," one of the most beautiful of Charlea Klngsley's poet ie compositions; '-Gladness of Easter," aelected from various poets, with apt and attractive illustrations; "The Message of tlie Blue Bird." by Irene E. Jerome, the author of "One Year's Sketch Book." and of "Nature's Hallelulh." "Nenrer, My Qod, to 'l'he-," "My Faith Lookn up to thee," Rock of Ajíes," and "Abide with Me." The protuse illustrations and dclicute binding, in addition to the cüarming iubJeoU, make these little Tolumes cboice easter 9oovenlrs. Tliere are many good times In the world not le?s enjoyalile because the "hitfu warW'1 wouM dlfdata t mix in theni. Of MMSh are the evenings of amusement iudulged in by llie poor of Loadoa la tlie theatres wherc tlieir taste are catered to exdusively - where points are not too fine, but where vicc is punished awt'uliy and virture rewarded livishly. All tliis ia described in a cliftrininj; wav in Harper's Maquine for April in mi artille "The Huuiors of a Minor Tlieatre,r written by V. Anstey, and illustiiitcd wüli iiiuiitable sketches by Fredetick Harnard, wliose pencil always works so üeftly on subject of tbis kind. The initial picture of the contribuüon is droll beyond de-cription, and representa the heavy villain of tiie play waiting to be protupted. It nt be seen to be appieciated. An entertaining book for young peopie, and a work that older persons will enjoy as wt-11, is the '"Youne People's IIlustrated History of Mnoic," by J. C. Maoy. lt hiiefly rtates tbe f.icts reUtive to the history of uiu?ic from the earliest times to tbe present era, md giyes. In addition, short biojiraphioal fketche of famous mnsiciani, IncludiniT Bach, Handel, Haydu, Beethoven, Mendelasobn, Schubert, ScluuiiMiin, and other masters, and t ie is chronolo);ical list of great composers. The 1 mguajre used is such as hII yountr readers will understand, and the book will be found leos tiresoroe than most of the larer lii.-torles, dictionarie, etc Portraits of each of the greatest masters are gtven, and the historlcal part of the book is also illustrated. The " Younsr People's History " U a book that all young nuijic students sliould posses. It makes also a limidsome Itid book, and is entertaining reading for both old and young. Sent by mail to any address, on rect-ipt of the priee, f 1, bj' O. Ditson & Co., Boston, Mass.


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