Supreme Court Decision
Kecently the Supreme Court pHSseri upon the constitutiontility of th ncw llqaor tnx law hs follow: The Uw I unanimously held to be In t'ie mam oomslituHonsl. This the Set ciiiotii of the Supieme Oonrt iu tlie Hqnor case recently. There re, liowever. scveral important provisions n net whlch are declareri tobe unconatitulional. They re as follows: 1. The claiiHe whicli eriniU arrest without due proeess of law. 2. The provisión ivinir tlie ooinmon council power to determine rbitrarllv whether the appllraat Br h license to sell liquor isor is nul a tit person to hve h license. 3d. The provisión givinitr ll'f treasurer of the connty the power of urbitrary determinatiou of whether a new bond is necessary or not. 4. The provisión which requires a dealer to forfeit tlie imearned portion of las license, íf he quitó buáinegs before the terra of bis license has expired. 5. The provinion that dealers bLihK not engaee in the same business for a ffiven period of time, subsequent to conviotion under the act. 6. The provisión ffiving the metropoliUn pólice forcé of Detroit jurisdictie over violalors of the statnle iu certain suburbs of the city of Detroit.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News