The First "nasby" Letter
The late D. R. Locke, as hs airead y leen stated, pubüfthed the lirst letter of ;he Nasby series iu the Findlay (O.) JefVr-ioiiimi. In view of his recent decease, he reproduction of tliis letter wilt donbtess be oí interest. Winffert's Corner'afterwards c-liani,'''' to Confederit X lioads") was a little place in Crawford D.mnty, Oliio, whose citizens were sympathizers wlth the secession movement. WinGkrt's Corners, Marcl) the 21, 1861. South Carliny fc sevral uv the trooly Diraercratic State have secesht- jtorn orf, I nmv gay. onto a jiiurnev after ther ritea. Wiusjert'9 Corners, ez troolv DimocritIc hz auy uv theni, tiez follered soot. A meetin wuz held last uite, uv wich I waz cbairman, to take the matter uv our gilevances in2 consideration, and it wuz flnally resolved that nothin short of íeceshn wood remeily our woes. Therefore the follerin address. which I rit, wuz iidoptid and oidered to be publ iíhd : TO TUK WORLD. In takin a step wich may, possibly, n - volve the State uv wich we have biu heretofore a part into blood and convul111111?, a decent respeck lbrtherood opinión uv the world requires U8 to give our reasons for taking that step. Wlngert'e Corners lia? too lonr submitted to the Imperious díctales uv a tyrmiikle Q ivernment. Our whole hisiry hez bin or.e uv aggreslmn on the part of tlie StaU-, and uv meek and paahent endoorence, on ours. It iv foosed to lócate the State Capítol t the Corners to the great detrim.-nt uv our patriotic owners uv real estáte. It refoosed to irruvel the street uv the Corners, or even relay the plank ruad. It refooeed to lócate the penitentiary at the Corners, notwit'istanilin we do more to ftl it up ihan any town in the State. It refoosed to lócate the St ite Fair at the Corners, hlasting the hopea uv our patriotic grosery.-i. It located the canal one huudred miles from the Corner. We have never lied a Guvuer, notwithstamlin the President uv thia ineetln Ikliyed here for yeer-, i waitiu to bc urjjeü to accept it. It hes compelled us, yeer after veer, to pay our shure uv the tuxes. It has oever appointed any citizen uv the place to uyuffli wlier thtft wis dossible, thus willfully keepin capital away trom us. It refoosed to either pay our rale-rode stibcripshun orslackwater our river. Therefore, not bein in humor lonjrer to indoor sich outrages, we declare ourselves Free and Independent uv the State, nud wlll maiutainour position with anuí, if need be. Tliere wui a lively time neit d:iy. A. company uv minlt men wuz raised, and wun uv 2 minit men. The seceshn tlag, niuskrat rampant. weasel couchant, on a field de Vgjr-ehell, waves from both groerys. Our merohant feels hopeful. Cut orf trom ihe State, direct trade with the Black SwHinp'lolleri; releest from his indebtedness to Cincinati, he wlll agin lift up his head. Our representativo has agreed to resine - when his term expires. We are in earnest. Armed witli justice and shotpuns, we bid the tyrant-' detiance. K S. - The feelin is intense - The children have imbibed It. A lad just past, displayin thesecesh flag. Itwavedfrom behind. Disdainin concealment, the lionhearted boy wore a roundabout. We are tirm. N. B.- We are still firm, N. B., 2d. - We ure firm unyieldin, calm and resoloot. Petroleum V. Nasbï. It wil! be noted at this time Ueacmi Pogram and other inhabitants of the "Corners,1, whose characteristic individuality trave to the letters so much of air of reality, had not been invented.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News