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She Tried and Knows. ; A Icading ' few York i say : " No plater of ach nierit H i the.ViMo-pl ¦ v''r brfnro lx n ' ' : ' '"'' :"'0 a du n ' nmde til 11 '¦ii' ¦¦'¦. i'"'1 ar lll' l„--i UU ' '"¦""¦¦ CIUI . ¦ rlú'ni spraius, u-b , ' '¦"¦¦ lll ;i Ml uil. n 1 liko nmr '"' ' Ërra : nkl IdoirtHl uk., rin "" a-„i niluflll - i" " ¦tUnoar. '''- ï-Simi i' rent f'r Ibe teautlflil ra ture, '¦ Moorbh Malden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. N. Y. Thisis theToi' of the PearlTop Lamp Chimney. AÜotKèrs, similar are imitation. TTvThis exact Lnhel jdÊm flgjSV isonenchl'earl fggSw O TopCliimney. EP SBBiBHB Adeakrmny say JjmjBuümSRj and think he lias @ y olhcrs as jood, LfíSP but nr ¦ Insistupcnthe Exat-t Labcland Tcp. Fo Sale Everywhere. Mac DtCLV dy 6E0. A. MACBETOPittsburglP All Drnggiiti, ï'.,-., 50c., nd ÍUX). Prentrod onlyby Sr. Seth Arnold, Mol. Corp., Woonaockct, K. 1. The Davis Swing Ghurn. m . Maken the lnntt 1 Mi tl niii'innl Of butter ÏÏJüimA !¦ ¦c.iUM thconcusslon jjr i r' 11 other clmrn made. IU Jm'A ¦# Makes the beat ¦[L q n si 1 1 y-It U tho JMB( Mlcst to clen- It 1 f WL v. the easlest to work. W M -V A l&rtfe of MJ " " the NewEnglnd jir Jê croameries use thö factorr 8l2e3, huuff frora Ibe ceillng. One chnrn at wholeoftie where we have no apent. Emiu in) Skixkxb Butier Vubxshs. K8I1ITT BUTTKE PBINTRR8, ETC, ETC. Send for illustrald circuhirs. VUIMOM i'AUM M Ai'IIIXE CO., Bel om FalU. Vt. tuic pápERn:;?1:;1 k InlU ¦ Hl hll ltOWELL A COS Kewspapor Advertising Bureau (10 Spruca Strpet),whcT'iulvor. ¦1111 Vflltt tisiDRrontriK'tsiaay MblM fl IKK bo ïuadc for it uj 11 1 II I Ulll The Kono. ThU irrcnt rirer is ten miles wlde, 1,300 ft. doop at iis moach, tnd is Konnd only to the Amnson in volaras. Tlie river ia obstructed with ntphll ind oatarHctë; ut somt' polnta the mighty slrewn Ims a rurf-nt of 3, milea per boor. Henry M. Staoley, an A-inerican, traced the course of tlie great rirer froin lis gourcps in central África to tl. e wliich he ilid in n terrible uxpedition of !9!i days. Legal inoonsisteny - Ciliiug foity pa;;1'8 i foolscap " brief." Ktivy lurks at tlie bottmn of tbi' luiuian lieurt, like a viper in lts hole. - ie.


Ann Arbor Courier
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