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V )u (njlmtMiiw. 1f ow ftjfgSfl Time table ïaklntr effect Nov. 2Oth, 1887. Oatral Mtandard Tiaie. CIIirAGO TO DETROIT. g i 1 ? 5 ? 'TT ï Is =i 5i 4 5! liiMliüll1 U.M. A.. P.M. P.M. P.. t.a :hlcago..Lv. 650 00 8 10 4 40 8 15 910 356 !lamroo...lïl7 150 6 58 50 12 31 -V 4S itttle 112 8 27 TM 1 25 S 18 751 'ar km 315 4 20 84 815 4 80 V tó JrassLake.... 338 613 9 34 helsea 35 5S5 966 5exler 4 14 6 5O'1U8 lhi Mills... 1M 1017 Inn Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45 4 35 6 08 IOS fpsllanti 4 50 545 95 4 52 624 10 fl VayneJanc. 5 15 605 515 647'llOS [Mr"l...Ar. 600:6451045 61 7 80 U Í0 It.Thomai 1110 Í05 ... . 9 60 8 JO falto View 117 660 M. Pslls 221 459 122 658... Bnffalo 4 861 7 16 ... . 3 40 Hts....' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. ! i! ñ B I Ü 5 S i H í -cw tí k s 2 L i .í_ L r A.M. r M. A M .M. A H A. B, ffulo : 1130 58.5 U6 900 100.... N. Pallf 1245 6 215.... St Thomas... i 4 25 10 0U . 110 550.. A. M í. . P P . P.M. P.M ... , Detroit.. ..I.v. 7 00 910 130 4 00 800 1015 WavncJnnc.J 7 41 958 2u3 4 45 837 1056.... Ypellanti .... 8 10 12 220 6 ÍS 858 1118 AimArhor .. 8 1H 10 30 2 32 580 Si 1185... Delhi Mills.. 8Ï8 542' Dextrr n :í7 5.W8 Ckelaea 85 6 05, 9 52 UiafwLake. . 15 6 27'10 15 Jackeon 9 46 1135 3 32 7 10 10 52 138 ... HMile Creek.. 1120 112 4 40 K S2 12 12 2 431 Kulamazoo. . ÍS 17 15 5 15 9 4r 1 MI 3 0:1 4 45 Chicago...Ar. 5 4! ft(0 9 30 I 7 0p 7 45 10 20 O. W. KUliOLKS, H. W. HAVBS, O. P. AT. Auent Airt.. Ano Albor. QUeaco. Tuledo, Aun Arbor & Nurth Michigan Ballmr TIME HCHBDULB. To tke eft'ect ni 12 o'clock, noon, on Sundity, October9tli, 1887. Traiiis rnn by Standard Time. GOINO NORTH. STATIONS. SI K jl U a. a. I "I " a. h. r a. p. .a. m. Toledi) Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 50 MaiitiatUn .Innrtion 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 5 'JT! 3 6 55 6 S5 Samarla J 16 3 ).i 7 23 7 30 uDrue Jonctiun 02 1 tó IS! s lu Dtinclee 6 10 4 12 8(16 X HU Alalia 6 25 4 ÍS 8 20 9 0U Milán t .'i.') I i. n M 9 30 ürauia 5 ÍK m) Hiitíiiclil 7 mi 4 53 M lli m Ji Aun Arhur 7 1") ó 10 9 i) 11 SU Lolanl 7 831 5 SO ó 165 Whitnmre Lak 7 4i s 4." Ho.12 2 U Huwull S 3l) 6 as l M 5 U0 Duraud. 9 30 7 40 93 P.M. Cirunna 9 .'5 7 4ti' 10 35 U.wr-U 10 0 7 11 00 Oarbwo Jnnrt'nii 10 OS 8 10 110.") liha a 11 16 9 15 í M St. Luiiíí 118819 33 S 35 A 'mi III.' y 41 3 56 MU PluaiMint Ar 12 30 10 30 li Olí P. M.t'. M. 1'. ¦ .... HO1NG SOUTH. CTA-nOMB. y 5 ] S Lï A. M V. M. P v. Mt. Pleasaut Lv 8 40 6 30 130 Alma 10J5 7 20 2 20 SI. LonlB ITOi 7 27 2 26 Ithnca a 7 4h 2 46 Owoíso Junction 4 00 8 55 4 02 Owoíso 408 90 408 Cornnna 4 25 9 08 4 15 ... Dnrand 6 16 9 80 4 36 i. . Howell 7 40 10 20 5 33 5 I WhitDiore Lake Kx,. 11 00 tic 6H U'land 6 30 11 H 6 0 7 Ann Arbor 7 1S11 30! 6 a M liit-llold 7 46 11 43 7 ( II Cranla 7 3i 11 50 7 10 11 Milán 7 45 12 04 7 20 1 84 Alalia 7 55 12 14 7301246 T'undee 8 03 12 24 7 40 119 Monroe Jnnction s 10 12 31 7 511 I S Samaría 25 12 46 8 10 2 19 Alexis tí 1 w, - ar 45 .Mmhatlan JuBCtiun 8 gd 1 05 8 37 3 6 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 42 3 16 Ia. n. r. M. p. . p. . Soiith hynn lirancli. NOKTH BOUND. STATH'Ns. BOITI II BOONJ . Train 6 Train 1 P M. P. M. 9 50 Lv. Lelands Ar. e nu 1U U0 Ar. Worden Ar. 0 ) 10 20 Ar South Lyon I.t. 6 UU Connectlons: At Tolido, with rallroaris dWergInz; at Manhattan Junction, with Wbwling A Brie H R; at Alexl Junction, wüh M. ('. h. K., L. si. M. S Kt. and K. & P. M R. R.; at Munroe Junctiun. ith L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at Dunde, ith LS.ÍI. S. Ry.. M. .t O. Ky.; at Milan Junction. with Waha;-b. St. Loni A Pactnc Ky ; t Pittfleld,with L. !-. 4 M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central K. H., and at South Ljon with Detroit, Lanplng & NurUu-rij K. H.. and Mich. A. L. Dtv. of Grand Tronk Ry. At Hambnra with M. A. Line DirWon Grard Tronk R'j. At Hüwell with Detroit, Lin!ng & Nonhern K'y. MDurand with Ch cago 4 Grand Trnnk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven A Milwuker R' . A iiwono Junction with Detroit, !rand Haven A Milwaufcee R'j and M chigan Central R. K. Ai M. Looit wilh Detroit. I,-.if:tA Northern R. U. and tagl na ValleT & St. Louis R'y. AtA'mawit Dein t, Laosine & N'Tthern R'y. At Mt. Pleaecnt with Fliul & Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. A8HLKY, General Manager. W. H. BENNKTT, A. J. PAIS! KY. Gen'!. PaaH. X Ticket Affont. Local At'ent. Rëal Rüüa r.r SalêT" OTATKOF MRHIGAN,Coanty of Wahtenaw, In the Matter of tbe EtUte of Clark M. Sly, deceaped. Notice fs herehy given. that in purnanc1 of an order trniBtedto the nndt-rsigned adminiotratort of the estáte of vald Clark M. Sly, deceaied. h the Hon. Judt'e of Probate for the Connty of Washlf naw, on the ilst day of May, A. D. 18-7, there will be 8old at pnblic vendae. tr the hiirheet bidder, at the late tesideuce of faiddeceased in the towDhip of Super or, in the Cuuatj of Washtena. in eald State, on Tuegday, the flrM day of Ma;, A. D. 1888. at ten oVlock inthe forenoonof that day (subject to all enenmbraccef by roortjaee or otherwije eiisüns at the time of the dealb of paid deceased) the following described real estáte, to-wlt: All of the East sixty acres of the Eat half ot tlw Sonth-Enst quarter of nection numVr thiny-fli (SKJIn the touuship of Silim In ihe Coonty or Waíhtenaw and Sta'e of Michisan. NATHAN T. 8LY, KOBY P. SLY, Adminie trator. Dated March 9, 1888. (itke töCredilors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Waihten", Notice ie nereby given, that by an order of tbe Protwte Court for the County of Waihtfnn made on the fl--t dav of M irch, A. D. IS".11 monthe from that date were alliwed for crei'" ore to prenent tlieir claim aüninst the eitate Uavid w. Noye, Ute of d countv, deceaMO. and that all creditore of a!d deceaied are reqnireo 'o ireeent their clainif 10 eaid Probate Court, at tn' Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. forexamlD_ ation anf allowance. on or betore the l-t day oi Sepumber next.and that inch claims will bc heanj nefore said court, ok Frldüy, the let day oi Jane, and on satnrday, the lst day of Sepi'in"" nexi, at ten o'clock la the foreuoon ol eaco ot aid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, March let, A.'D. 1888. WI1.L1AM D. HAKKIMAN. MW1W Jndt-e ol rVoM"UmHlUII has revolutlonlzed tlieworld TH Ti KM TTnlö 'HirlnK lul lialf oeulury. , raeth(M) anti iyalm ('f rork that onn lx" perfortii.d uil uvi-r ihe country williont ePBK" liK Um orkt-ra from their homes. Pay n"erai ; any une eau do Die Work ; e"'""r1LJ young or oíd; no Kieoial alillily "ul: l'apiLal not Deeded ; you ure itartad nT-fc "} this out aml return to us and we will Isenu you reí, somelhinu of greal valuc mul niportanro to you. that will start you In uu'; omm, whieh will biiiin you In more mone rlght awny tlian itny'hlng else In the woria. Grand outfit fret. Aildress True & Co,, AugusUi, Maiue. ¦ ¦nill Rrwardrd are those wlio red HIPhI Y11" "'i "'" ¦ lhey WU i il '"¦'"„ot take Ihero trom thelr bomjt tul families. The proflts are Inrge auil MjJ for every liuiustrious pereon, nmiiy na made and are now iimkinii everal lni"llri' dolUrsa month. It Is easy for any o1" raake $5 and upwarda por ilny, who is ''"", Ki work. Kllber 8ex. young or old; oP" not Daeded: w turt you Everyiliini '" Nospevlal iibllity reqnlred, you, remler. can do It as well aa any oi.e. Wrlte t') " l ""7 for lull partícula]-, whlch we mail free. auureas silnsou A Co.. Portland, Mala ¦ Ptao'a Remedy for Catarrh Is the ¦ ¦ Best, Eaaiest lo Vee, and Cheapest. 8oM by druggists or sent by mail. I H SOe. K. T. Haxelllue. Warren. Pa. a


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