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_PURE - pRPRicrs CREAM gAKlNg 2gnERFECT MAgg lts superior excellence proven In mlllionsof lomos for more (han a q nart er of acentury. It sused liy the United States governmenl. Endorseü ly the hencln or the üreat Tlnlversltles as tlieStrongest, Purest.anil most Healthful. 5r. Prlce's theonly Batum Powderthat does not contaln AmnionlH, Lime or Aluin. 8old omy In canfl. I'UIOE BAKING POWDER CO., NEW VORK. CHICAGO. ST. I.ODIS. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main si., Anu Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over aquarter of acentury ago. Represen tlng he (otlowlng flrst-class companlus, wltb over 60,000,000 Capital and Asnets. HOME INS. CO., Of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rutes l,o w as tlie Lowest, Loases Liberally Ailjusicd and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. Skin Diseases. our oldest child, now slx years of flge, when an intuir mix nimiths old, was attac&ed by a virulent, malik-miut kin dlseafe. All onlinary remedies faillng, we cnlltfd our family pbyslcian, who at tempted to cnre ft; hut It cpread wltb aimost incredlhle rapldity, uutil the iower portion of the little fellow's person, from the midrile f his bark down to his kuees, was one solld raoh, ugly, palnful, blotched, and nialilout. w'e had no rest at nlght, no i eace bv day. Finally wc were advieed to try theCUTlcüR Rkmeiiiks. Thu effect waa simply marveilou Iu three or foor weeks a cora pMe cnre wm wrongíit, leaving the little fellow's ereon & white an1 healthyas inough he hadnever been tttiackt-d. In niy opinión your valuable reme dies caved hls life, and ;o-day he is a stron, hpalthy child, p rl'fctly wcll, 110 repetltlon of the dlsease baviULr ever occurred. O EO. B. SMITH, Att'y at Law and Ex-Pros. Att'y, Aehland, O. Referbhce: J. O.Weist, Druggist, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are born into the world every day wlth ?ome eczemttoas anVclion.D'li as milk emst, pea I bead, tcurf, or dandruff. cure to develop Into an atronizing eczema, the Itching, bnrnlne aud dlsfigQrxtion ol wbich make Ufe a prolonged torture unless ptoperly treated. A warm bath wlth Cuticura exquislte Skin Heautitter. and a single app'lcation of Cutícora, the Great !-kln Cure, wltn a Hule CimmjA Kemedies, the Ni w Blood I'urlflir, ík ofien purficient to arrest the progrese of the disea-e, aud point to a speedy and peimanent cnre. Henee, no mother who luves her chlldren, who tnkiH iiride íd thelrbesnt, purlty, nnd hea'th. and in bes owing upon tht m a chiM's ureatest inherit nce,- a skfu without a bleml-h. and a body nourihht-d by pure blood,- chuuld lail to make trial of the Coticuka Kkmeiuc Sold everywhere. Prlce: Cüticur a, 60 c. ; Soap, 25 c: Resoi.vknt, $1. Prepared by the Potter Dm Cuemical Co., Bostun, Mass. "Send for "llow to Cure Skin Dlieases," 04 pages, 50 illustratioDs, and 1UU testimoníala. D A D V'C skin nd Scalppreferved and beautlDrtD I O fltd ly CutiiuraM:dii atedSoap Constitutional Catarrh. No single dlsease has cntalled more sufferlng or hastened the breaking np of tbe constltutlon than Catarrb. The sense of smell, of taste, of slght, of hearing, the human volee, the mlnd- one or more, and Bometlmes all, yleld to ita destructlve influence. The poison It dixtributes throughout the syitem attacks every vital forcé, and breaks np the most robust of coretltutions. Ignored, because but little understood, hy most physiclane, impoti-nily assalled by quacks and charlatans, thoxe suffering from it have little hopc t" be relleved or It this side of the grave It is time, then, that f e popular treaiment af thi! terrible disease by remedies wlthln the reach of all pased tnto hands at once competent nd truntwoiihy. The new and hitherto untried idethod adopted iy Dr. Sardlord in the preparation of hls Radical C'Ukk bas won the heat ty auproval of thoUBands. It is initautaneous in afTording relief ín all head colds, neeziDg. snnflllng and nlwtructRd bri-athlng, and rapidly removes the oppreaplve nymptoms. clearing the head, sweetenlnR tbe bre th, retlortng the senees oí mell, taste and hearing and neutrallzing the constltutlonal tendency of the dlieaee towards the luugs, Hvcr and kldueys. Sandpokd's Radical Cd re consistí of one bottle of the Radical Cure, mie boi of Catakrhal Solvknt, andonu Improvkd Inhalir; prlce (1 Pottír Druq and Ohkmioal Co., Boston. KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns and WeafcnesMt, fc Kelleved In ore minu e by that marvelHB oub Antidote to Pain. Infliinmation'ant ¦f velknes, the Cuticura Antiek ¦ l'itin.l'liist. r. Theflrst and only l paih-killing pireiigtliening planter. Ks JL penally adapted to Ins'antly relieve atd speedlly cure Ktdncy and Uterlne Palns and Weak ness. Warranti'd vaMly . mpntoi to all othe placen. At all dmeglsti-, 4j cents; Bve for 1.0() or, posiane free, ol Pottkr liruo & Uhkmical Co., Boston, Mas. __ Piso'a Cure for ConRs sumptioa is also the best Ca ra Cough Medicine, g If you have a Coua;h without disease of tho pi EB LtniKS, a fow iloHes ire uil a you need. Butifyouueglect this eaHV means of IB safety, the slight Cough KI tj niay become a serious EJ matter, umi snvurul Ej 3 tles will be required.


Ann Arbor Courier
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