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Chelsea has cock flghts. Theo. Hill, of Saline, now rides a new bicycle. The Saline Presbyterians made $9.88 by a recent social. Patrick Molony died recently at Lyndon, after a few weeks' illness. A. J. Warren, of Siline, has a large I quantity of black walnut lumber. Very little real estáte ischanging bands liere this spring. - Chelsea Herald. Cbelsea ships a largc aniount of dieseed I veal every week to New York City. Fred William, of Manchester, is stock - Ing a brook on his farm with brook trout. Germán measles causes quite an eruption among the South Ljon youngsters. Lon Conkrigbt, of Chelsea, has found out just how hard a Mexic in mustang can kick. Saline republicans will hold n caucus to-morrow evening In J. McKinnon'a office. Mrs. Jobn J. Robison has been visiting her oM home in Sharon for the past few days. The uvenile band at Saline recently serenaded the new municipal offlcers and (tot $3.50 for tbeir compliment. The Michigan poultry farm has just received a Jumbo incubator, which is quite a novelty in that line. - Saline Observer. The bicycle boys have commenced the summiT campaign of wheeliug. - Saline Observer. Have tliey Rot runners on 'em? The South Lyon G. A. R. boys have changed the date of their camp tire to some time in April, because of speakers, says the Pieket. St. Patrick's bauquet netted $125 for the treasury of 8t. Mary's cburch, Ohelsea. Torn Kearney is responsiblo for fully one-lialf of that. The Sylvan republicans will meet In caucus at the town hall, on Saturday evening, March 31st, at 3 o'clock p. m., to nomi nuto town offlcers. The Stockbridge Union Agrlcultural Society has not yet been able to Üx upon dates for its fair whlch does not conflict with those ot other societies.- Sun. The LRdies' Aid Society of Chrlst church, Stockbrldge, has raised during th year $171.28 tor parochlal work, and had $S.8Ö on hand at the end of the year. Conkright & Son, of Chelsea, have purphased the stock of goods owned by P. H. Mosher, at South Lyon, and will run a grocery and produce business exclu9ively. Milo Updike. of Sylvan, found our market better than any neighboring village, so lie drew his wheat to Manchester. - Enterprise. Sh ! sh ! you shouldn't speak of sucli things. South Lyon's picklu factory is an assured miitws. In fact, S. L. has been in soinething of a pickle ever sinco the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. made :i short cut and went to Hamburg. Stockbridge station reports the confignment of 39 acres of manufactured goods, etc, during the week endlng March 10, according to the Sun, among whlch was a car of ashes for Florida. Wheat is not in nn average condition parlly on account of late sowlng, and partly owing to the recent thawing and freezing, nothing at present will insure au average ciop but plentyof rain during April and May. The Jesse Ewers farm, of nlnety acres, sold at Adtnlnistrator'8 sale Tuesday, for $5,675. The farui is one of good capabilitics, but Is considerably run down, and the sale may be considered a good one. - Ypsilanti Seutinel. Charles Kelley mlssed somo sheep pelts lust week and went to O. Clark, the local buyer, and identifled one. It had been sold to him by Mac. Oliver. Oliver was arrested yesterday on a charge of stealing them.- Stockbridge Sun. The following resolution was passed at a recent meeting In South Lyon: " Ilesdved, That the cltizens of the village of South Lyon pledge themselves to give a bonus of $2,000 to any respectable party that will build ¦ 20Ó bbl. mili at this place. Times have changed. A few years ago a good lumber wagon brought from $80 to $100. Last week John G. Kngli-h bought a lumbor wagon and a truck wagon of Wm. Neebling for $80.- Manchester Enterprise. Now If we only had free trade ! mv, how cheap we could live - und ride, eh ? A Manchester Athletlc Cluh was organized last evening with twelve incmbers, and Ira K. Fox was electt'd manager and Fred O. Marlty secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year. All those iuterested in otit-door sports should put their names on the list and help the boys along. - Enterprise. The sult of Amos V. Kidder agalnst a Woodward Avenue, Detroit, hardware dealer, has been declded against him in circuit court. He was passing the defendant's store last sumnier and some gas pipe was blown down upon him, Imdly cutting his wrlst, and he sued for $10,000 daniages. - Saline Observer. The Methodist Church was well tilled on the evening of the21st, notwithf tanding the severe storm, to witness the nup Hals of Mr. M. VV. Edgar, of Detroit, and' Miss Louella E. Sll!, of this village. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. II. Adams. After the reception at the residence of the biide's parentf, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 8. Sill, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar took the train west. - Dexter Leader. A. I). Bennett, editor of the Pinokney Dispatch, and Miss Julia Barnard, formerly of this village now of Pinckney, wero married Thursday, March 22. A rumbar from this village nttended the nuptial ceremonies. Our best wishes accompany tliis estimable couple ia tbeir new relations in life.- Brighton Citizen. Here'a our hand for a long life, lots of subscribers and plenty of- little items. What emergency exists to justify men in working upon the Starkweather Memorial Cliapel at the ceraetery on Sunday ? It is an offense to those who make their sorrowful pilgrimages to the sacred ground on that day, and ought at once to be foibidden, alike" by the Cemetery Associalion, the contractor, and the eminent donor of the work, none of whom, of course, would for a moment approve t. - Ypsilantian. The following excellent advice is from tlie Ypsilanti Sentinel: "For the past day or two the workmen hare been putting in the safe in the Bank building which we hope is to receive and safely keep until necded, many hundred dollars of the savings of our cltizens. Let the existence of a savings bank here be an incentive to economy. As constant dropping will wear a stone, so a little deposited at the end of each wpek or montli, with accruing interest, will amount to much in time. Try it. O. E. Gooding, Henry P. Irvintr, Joe Corbett, Jas. E. Delaforce, B. F. Gooding and John Ketchum, of the 4th Michigan cavalry, who went to the front in the f all of 'C3, met at the residence of B. F. Gooding on the 15th inst., bringing their wives with them to renew old aequaintances and have a jolly time over the past. Ketchum was discharged for a wound in March '63, the rest came home with the regiment in 'G5, having become familiar with the country from Louisville to Macon, Ga., and there were rebels all along the road, too. - Saline Observcr. Messrs. Turner and Norton, representing themselves to be agents for the farmer's mutual live stock usiirance company, of A listín, Mitin, are operating a swindlu In Michigan, by whlch they undertake to insure farmers' against the loss of their stock. The men are frauds of the iirst water, and pay no losses. Even though Ihey dld conduct their business on the square no live stock insurancecompany lias any legal authority to do business and caonot be recognized in Michigan. Farmers in the northern part of the state are sald to have been bied to the tune of thousands of dollars. Look out for the swindlers. - Detroit Courier. Mr. John Geddes, too well known In this county to need an iutroduction, was 37 years oíd last Monday, and with a spry step for one of his years, be walked three miles from his home, reaching this office about 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. Geddes is one of the carliest settlers In Washtenaw Co., having come here in 1824 from Lebanon, Pa., where he was bom. He can teil you more about Ypsüanti than all the editors in town, no matter howyoung or how veteran they may bc, and can disBect the published Pioneer History of VVashtenaw in a way to make the authors tearing mad if not to convict them of rccklt'ss writing. We are always glad to have Mr. Geddee drop Into our office and thank him for his ïntei est in the