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F ree trade and free America can nt go liand in hand. t yet. Senator Ingalls says that a collegiate education untits a man for in politicB. Nw look lierp, Senator, what's the matter with our Torn? The Governor w!ll prohably appoint Frlday, April 27th, as " Arbor Day." Elcctions will all be over then, and the fond hopea of the defeated candidates can be pUnted with approprlate ceremonie?. We be'leve thefö.OuO bonus nonsensedkln't do duty.- Adrián Press. Now look here, nelrhbor, how about Adrian's $50,000 voted for the Gaie plowworks? Will that bonus nonsense work ? Will sotne of the bowling dervlshes on the democratie press of the country please to quote Senator Ve9t's rebel speech, insulting uninn nldtert, In reply to which Senator Ingall's warmed their ears so soundly that their tongues have been golng ever sincef The Adrián Press is business right from the shoulder. Hereafter it will give " no figures on circulation, no position for ad., no dollar readiug notices with 30-cent ad, and no man a preterence. If advertisers don't want the space they can let it alone." Bully for the Press. The success of Ui yonng men 's tirket In the vIllaKe electlon at Quincy has waked tip gome of the young men of Cold water, who have been quletly talktng up the matter of a "kld" ticket. Kuch a ticket would stand :in excellent chance of defeatlng all others.- Coldwater Sun. Beware of the fatc of Adrián ! all kuis are not knaves, butsome kuis are Xavin's. Chief Justice Waite of the U. S. Supreme Court died suddenly at his home in Washington last Saturday at the aee of 71 vears. He was appoin'ted from Toledo, Ohio, by President Grant in 1874. He was taken III Saturday, kept bis bed Sunday, hut went to the Supreme Court Mondny to render the decisión in the Bell Telepbone cuse, and returned very mtich worse. He was a native of Connectlcnt and rrailuatf of Yale in the oliss with Wm. M. Evart, Edwards Pierrepont and Professor Silliman. The lust year has seen a wonderful growth in electric rallways. There are now in the United States over eigbtv miles of road on which the motive power is elec:ricity. Eighteen towns hnve plants in operation, in Iegtli9 Viirvlnï from one to eleven miles. Contracts iiae been m ide for roads, and they are now beinjt constructed in seventcen otler towns, and there are fifty-niue projected roads. - Berrien Springs Kia. What especial benefit do the editors of the Lansing Itepuhlican, Allegan Gazette and one or two other papera, derive from the frequent dirty liltle flins at tlie friend of the universlty in the columns of their pa pers f The republicnn party has Kot all it wants to do this fall to jght the cnemv, and these journals mijiht bittor be endeavorlng to pour oil on the trouhled waters than attempting to breed a linht within the party. They will flnd thls advice good ense. Congreasman Taraney ciin not feel verv well thee days. Knowlng tlmt Flsher ],-.. gol a blll approprlatlng $150,(100 tor a building in Bay City through the house, and the addltional faot that the comniittpe allowti only$7ï, 0) for a building In EastSaglnaw. our represen tatlve cannol help feellng dishearteued.- Mldiaud Hun. And Uien, too, Tina fcels a great goneness, as it were, over the free Inmber, and free snit, and free wool that his free trade purty has forced u pon hiin. Take it all together we don't believe he does feel very cotnfortable. A good many Michigan towns are beginnlng lo doubt how the Supreme Court wlll look at taxes levled and bonds Issued for the licneflt of private oorporatlons llke the ale Plow Works .m,l Hlmllar Instiiutlnn. If Ihe coart aciberes to the oíd rule that laxatlon except for public purpo Ih lllegHl. such In - stltutlonB may not raakethestake they grab for.- Berrlen Sprlngg Era. The experience of Ann Arbor in r.iising money for such purposes is not vory encouraging to those towns. Judge Ooley pronounced the thing unconsTitutlonal, and our council made a square back down, not daring to fight the collection of such a fraud. Thestupldand snlcldal scheme emanated from the Unlverslty cllque, bscauae Luce dld hls duty to the people and vetoed an apjropriatlon blll whlch proposed to empty the state tieasury luto the lapof the Unlverslly. The above, it Is perhaps needless to gay. is taken frora the Detroit Evening News. Why the News cannot teil the truth as well as to utter such falsehoods is a mystery to many of its friends. The very word "University1' coming before itseyes acts like a red rag in the f;ice of an enraged buil, and no evil surinise of its nwn vivid Imagination is too bitter or inonstrotis for it to publish as truth. When a republicHii paper nsserted recently that Mr. Cleveland held his Kat through fraud In counting the votes In the flums of New York City, our friend of the Ypsilantl Seminel called If'brino-iiiíT up an old chestnut." Yet In neaiTy every issue of his paper he brings up the old clu'stinit of the republicaus cheating Tildan out of the presidency, opens up the sbuck, gazes at the mildew within, gnnshes hls teeth for a few minutes, moistens the blue and filthy dust with a crocodüe tear and puts the thing back in his pocket again to go through the very same performance the next week. 8tr;inge how little the world seems to care for the alniond eyed celestials. The Inlegt reports from China place the number of livcs lost in the great Hoods nlong the Yellow River, some montlis ago, at not lrss tban a million and a half. If this tremendous tlaughter had taken pUce In any Ëuropean country or in Aiiu-i cv, it would have been the greatest sensatiou ot the itge, but as it ia, few people in the United State know or care uuytliing about the matter. The poet's ideal of the universal recognition of the brotherhood of man is still go for from being realized that only a powerful imagination and a robust faith can picture euch a condilionof things as actual y existing. The New Yurk Mail and Express luu rei'cnily been purchasel of Cyrus W. Field by Col. Elliott F. Shepard. The new proprietor promises to mike no radical change In the paper ín any way, and it Is to be hopcd he wlll not". The Mail and Exprecs s one of the clean, neat, honest, tearless adoeates of republic. m principies and the American policy of protección to American industries. lts literary reviews anti notes are probubly the best to be found In any daily American paper, and its dramatic i.ew.s has been good also. Taken as a wh'ile it has few equals and no superiors. The Mail and Express is now a great favorite and we hope il may continue to beeuch under Mr. Shepard's proprietorship. The Adrián Press gives our neighbor the following salutary lesson on uscless fault ünding: "The Ann Arbor Argus wants to know what its c uncil does with the $;W,000 ppent for city purposes. Pahaw, neighbor, do not get exciu-d. You know jufct as well as any one where tbe mney goes. How do you pay your pólice? What does the fire departnient costf How much for water? What are the figures for miblic llghting? How much did you expend tor streets, bridges, gutters, cross-walk., pavements, sewers, printiiig, 8a!arle8 ot' offluials and other little general items? Ur, what is perhaps easier, what money was fooled a way last year? .lust inention the items needleasly pent. We believe the $5,000 bonus noDsense didn't do duty."


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