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In winter we meet the thermometer Har, I...

In winter we meet the thermometer Har, I... image
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In winter we meet the thermometer Har, In iummer the dab Har lells of hls strlng, Hut both classeti now very qtilckly retire Before hlm who's Been the tlrst robin of spring. April Fool's Day next Sunday. Torn and Jack are tlie boys that win. The republican caucases will be held this evwiing. Fifty boarders in one house on Washington street. Missionary Sundity at the M. E. clitirch next Sunday. Judge Kinne discharged the jury Saturdiiy for th term. Rfpublicm HtY eoiivcntion will be held at the City Buil tu-morrow, Thursday even ing. Rev. Mills Oi'lston. on VfaahlBgtOB st. is havinir a Hevt-re attack ol inil iminaiion of tl e luiifrs. Tliere will be meeliiijr of the school board this eveninj; to examina the perfected plana of tbc oew school buildings Court adjourned Momlay until Thursday, out of respect to the memory of S. P. Jewett, Ksq., the fatlier of Mrs. Judge Kiniie. The boards of rejfistration ure not being ktpt very busy to-dny. The latge registration fur the loc;.l option election last month is theoause. Service daily this weck at St. Andrew's churcli at 8 o'clock i. m , except Friday, and at 10 oVInrk on day. On Wednesday and Friday eveiiinjja at 7 o'clock. On Saturday, il :i o'clock p. m., at the Baptist chnreb tliere wül be a social for the benefit of the old pioneers of the chareta, alter which an oldfashioned tea will be served. AttlieMethoiiist Episcopal churcli next Sabbath: Love least ft 9 a. m, bapti.-m and Lord'8 .-upper at 10:30 ; and in the evening sermón by the pastor, on the Resurrection of Jesus. The Detroit Sunday Sun calis our ajrgrefration of musical artists the 'Cheirramegoos." The boys have applied to Prosceuting Altorncy N'nrris tu get that paper to plead guilty of libel. Tliere was a meeting of the board of the Washtenavv County Mutual I-Ve Insurance gociety lat Wednesday, and the lossof S. R. Crittenden, of PlttsfiVld, on dwelling house, was illowed at $1,091. Care ahould he maile in selectingcandidates for city offleers to pet thote who favorentorcingthe lawsas theyfind them. We have got ;ood laws on our statute books and they onght to be enforced, too. There are about 25 or 30 aspirants in the democratie ranks for every county office at the disposal of the party. Some pretty good ones, some not so good. For demócrata, they have got a pretty good lot of fellows "holding down the chaira now. O. F. Webster, secretary, senda us word that there will be g reunión of the 3d reiiment Mich. Voluiiteer Civalry and Battery C 3d Mich. Artillery, at Owosso, on the 25th day of April. Busl2ess meeting in the af'.eruoon and banquet In the eveninjr. Prof. E. Batir announces the monthly meeting of the Washlenaw Ponr logxal Society 7th of April, 2 p. m. In court house. Topics; reports of committees; fruit exchatige; nevr varieties of peaches; peach prospectó in Washtenaw; question box; exhlbit of fruit, preserves and flowers. Hd tlila city an organization of the Woman's Relief Corpg, Feveral cases of destitution and lmrdship that have come to lifflit this winter would never have oecurred. It is strange that no effort has ever been made bere to organlze a "post" orthis most worthy and estimable order. Again the boldsafe blower bas paid hls complimentstoour city, this time turning lits attention to the aafe of Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, in the city milis. Altliongli Mr. Kyer had written out the combmation and placed It in plain sight lor the benefit of such gentry, yet they Preferred to get at the contenta in tbeir own w„y. 8o th(,y (]rI1(,d a ,)o1e ,)elow "ie lock, inserted powder or dynamite, and blew the door off. after firat placing wga of flour to deaden the sound. They were re w arded with about $40 in money f'-r their trouble. The raen who did the Z i proollre) Implements with which to work trom a blacksmith shop n the 5th wwd and also from the M. C. tooi house. iUey evidently took their own time for "e work, judgintr tv their tracks. Two men weTe secn prowlin arouill) the mil, jt irday, hut Prosocuting Attorney Norf'stellsns that the buiglars are a safe now as they would be f they had come "flore a jury und plead not guilty. Much interest centered In the case of Jennle Wegtfall, of Chelseg, asainst the . h. R.. on trial in the circuit court aatweek. It senil that some time ago e jlalntff, In company wilh Maggie Ormsby and agentleman, weredrivlng wroM , the railroad track in Chelsea and rm . l1e!' "Vl'ri slle 'ustalning a broken "r, '¦ th" '-cident. The claim was "OH'Je that the cause of the vehlcle overfrirtSi Tf tl'"t th lloriie9 beCi"" triKhtened byan engine which waastan.lnft ., ie crossiui-r blowlng off (team WBMd that thedriverwas showing off "'speed of his horses, and in m.kln a neceas, y turn „ „„, cro8J „ , Offore any steam escped fro,„ the engine. Inch i"8 as KOntt-" l'"Uy. inch by olantrf ?'Vt!r & Kiiowlton for the Uwrtn' "I"1 b}' Whitman and Hwrence tor the R. R. (;„. The jury faut fl""ïle l'me t0 decUle "PO11 r'l"-' of ti BJ,rjCludLe'1t0. allnv on'y 2'250 com li w a8kt"d tor '" tlle bi" of Wn, n ' ,Mi88 Ormsby al9 has ¦ ca E ,? ",Kai,n8t U"' It is nnderïïït e wi" carfy the min, 'e ?uP,reme co"!-t I" the hope of Ketting the judgment reversed. Now soon wlll oome the balray dayfl When Jack Krost'g nolonger grlpet; Tlit'ii tnneful blrds wlll pipe thelr lay, And politlclans lay thelr pipes. Next Sunday is Easter, the day for eggs and new bonnets. From present Indicatlons there wlll be plenty or new buildings erected thissummer. The tendency of travel these days Is sonthward. Wouldu't iniud a trip to Florida ourself. Last Sunday was one of tlie gloomyi dreadful dnys Ihnt no mout li but Murcli could posslbly t;ivc us. The demócrata have called their ward caucuses for Thursday eveninir and their city convention tor Fridny evening. Some of our tidy and tasty citizens think that it is spoilinjr the looks of E. Universlty Ave., to use It as a wood yard. At Toledo, on Wednesday, March 21st, Miss Mary Jacobus, of this city, was married to Pi-ter Munz, of Sandusky, Ohlo. The legislature of Iowa propose to expend $20,000 in purclmsing grounds for athletic sports in connectiou witb its state universitr. Early morning prayer at St. Andiew't churcli next Sunday at 6 o'cloek; at 10:Ml o'olock, communion service; at 4 o'cloek p. m., chiklreü's service. The thermometer markei) zero laat Suturday int-rii i nr. mueh lo the discomtiture of the robins whose notes froze up as fust as they could be uttered. Our frenial friend Sed James is attaining considerable proininence as the chnmpion " booby prize " winner. It is thought he wlll sooii issue a challenge. Proseeutinjr Attorney Norris will piobably tdke no more chances bef o re a jury, but wlien a fellow oftVr- to plead jruilty In the justlcc court he wlll allow iTim to do so. The old shinplnstercurreney will probably come into use again, as the House was paseed a meaaure authorizlng the issueoflO, 15 and 25 cent silver certiflcutes. There is something on the tapls in the way of an entertainment ly the Methodist ladies that will be very enjoyable. It will make the yonng oíd and the old younf again. Good Kriday comes day after to-morrow. If you reinember, that is the day on which to quit usinff tobáceo. One of most respected citlzens says it's so, for he tiied it once. The animal meeting1 of the Ladies' Library Association will be held on Monday, April 9, at 2:30 p. in. in the Library Building. All members are urgently requested to altend. Louis Abate, an Italian marble pollsher and cutter for some time in the eniploy of öfd James, dled last, week Thursday. at li is home in the 5tb ward, aged GO years. He leaves a wlfe and two children. Now that Arbor Day is tliousht abour, the article in another column from the pea of our higlily respected fellow townsuian, J. Aiistin Beott, rend beforc (he recent foreetry conventin at Grand Raplds, is quite sensible. It is well worth perusiní. A lai-ge nnd very beautiful portrait done in crayon and Iniiia ink of O. M. Martin, execuu-d by I. M Long k Co., adonis the show window of .loe T. Jacobs & Co. These ai lists have rooms in the postoffice block, and are meeting with much success in their especial line. The next meetini; of the C. L. S. C. will be beid at the house of Miss HMI, Tui-s'lay, April 3il. Projiram: Roll-eult, QaotatioD from Lntber. Music. Paper - Life of LuthiT, Mr8 Libby. I,e-son - Questions on Oerman Classics in March unauiaiiquan. Mttsic. Keadlngs- Glimpses of Luther's Home Ule, (torn the (Jutter Family Letters, Miss Watts. Ke view- "A Chance Acquaiiitauce,'1 Miss A JuÍ8on. Musie. Tli.rc will be a special K aster service at the Unitarian cliurcli next Siitiüay morning. Tlie ebnrcb will be decorated with ttowers, and there will be extra ïnusic, togefher with recitationd and addPBWOl, in conimeinoiatioi) ot tliose wlio huve died duriiig tbe uast year. Also a number ot persons are to be received Into the church. In the evening Mrs. Sundcrlaiid will give the eleventh of tier lectures on the Books of the Bililu. Subject ''The Apochryphal Books." On Sunday evenfnfr next, at the Baptist church, the followlng muaieal selectlon will be given in conniction with the service : 1. Organ Voluntary'KyrleElelson, Mozurt. 2. Chorus. "Slng We Allellna, Oilchrlst. 8. Solo, wllh Vlolln Oblígalo, "The. Heighl frotn Heaven," Oounod. i. Hayden's Kirst JIiw, arranged for O rel) (ín tra 5. (uarlette, "Clirist Our l'assover,"..!." Opus46 UuUley Buok. 6. Vlolio Solo 7. Solo, with vlolin Obllgato, "The Kesur....reoiion,'1 Harry Kowe Shelby. 8. ChoruB'Mighly Jehovah," Relliul. If newspuper men were " up to snuft"," like doctors and dentista, they would get up a "code of ethics" by which not a mention of a man's business would be permissible without its equivalent in cash. The columns of a newspaper are the stock in trade of their proprietor, and when tliey are given away, just ro much 8olid cash is given out of the proprietor's pocket. Men who would scorn to ask a cent of an editor will complacently ask bil for what is JU91 the same, free advertising. And for this state of affairs editora are largely to blame themselves. Thcy need reform in this respect, and need it bad. l'robably iio unimportant case ever attracted more attention thau that of Emory Hurst tried in the circuit court last Saturday on a charge of stealiiiír a bat from Blitz & Lnngsdorfs store. Hurst U i a colored man, and claiined that he took tlie hut by miHtakc, leaving his own, a comparatively new one, in the place of the one taken. The court appointed John V. Shechan to defend the prisoner and he was ably assisted by Tlios. D. Kearney. It was the boys' first case, and they tried it for all it was worth, bringinjr out every point favorable to the accused. Mr. Sheehan made an eloquent plea, containing so much good sense, that the jury was not out but a few minutes before returning a verdict of "not guilty." .Tiiia was too much for the suppressed eBtbntlam of the boys' friends wlio liad packed the court room to hear tlie trial of the case, and in spite of Sheriff" Walsh's rigoroui etlbrts to suppress them they had to give one round of applause. Prosecuting Attorney Norris considera it "onu horse on hiui," as gome of the sports term it, and tliinks the jury must have been packed agaiust him. Shouldn't wonder a bit. The farewell sermons of Dr. Haskell was üiven last Sundav at the Baptist church. The rostrum was beautifully decoruled witli plants, llowerg, and a line likeness ot' the late I'rof. Olney. The mueic, 8ome of it iu quartetts and duetts was very well rendured, and in the evening a choir of 14 voiees, assisted by a fine orcliestra. Tlie Doctor gave a concise statement of hls 41 years' pastorate in Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Ann Arbor. Darlng 11 this long period lic had never been on a bed of ickness. This church was established in this city in 1828, Daniel B. Brown and wifu Ix-Ing among its tirít memben; it has been a feebleone bot h in nuuibers and wealth, bat during the 17 years of tlie Doctor1! pastorale it lias aocomplished wonders, botli In iucrease and prospci ity. Wlien tlie present beautlful church edilice was completed at a costof $30,000 it was all paid for, and what is still more retnurkable durinji these 17 years this cliuich bas raistd for different purposes $08,000, whieh cn be largely attributed to the untlring Jhristian zeal of the lamented Prof. Olney, of whom Dr. Haskell spoke in tlie most éndesrlng tenas. In the eveniug the Doctor gave a sliort history of the sevcral pattON, cominencing GO years igo, i" tl'1' following order: Hevs. Clark, Twist, Miller, Comstock, Allen, Onives, Gregor, Corneliuis Hurton, and the present pastor. Souie of tlie inli.iten ere and afttrwards became men of note, as professors in colleges; one a inember ol congress, and anolher liolding a high trust in tliis state and afterwards n the U. 8. Government. Dr. Haskell's long and faithful labors among hls people has secured him a warm and lastlng friendship as as well as the high esteem of a host of friends outside of hls ehurch.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News