Death Of Nellie Monroe
It is onr sad duty to chronlcle the death on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, of Nellie A , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Monroe, at the home of her parents in this cily, of quick consutnption, :iji''l 19 year?, after an illness of eiglit weeks. Just eiglit weeks previou to her denth -n attended church itud Sunday school and the foMowing day was laken slok, never again to see the belovd place. She was born at Saline, Fefo. 18, 18G&, and was a granddsufrhter of Hoswell Waterman, Ksq , of thin city. 8iie had been an ambitieus student, a ineraber of the Hi}Lh School junior cl;iss, and her parents thlnk to her extreme studiousness and anzivty over her studies Is due the basten in of the fatal diseae. The funeral services were held 'J'uesday, t the house at 1 :30 p. in., and at Mie M. E.churoh at 2 o'clock p. in., Kev. Dr. Ilamsiiy ofüciatinst. The piirenls who sorrow over the departuie of their loved one, liave the deep syinpathy ol many friends in tbeir atrliction. The floral contributions were numerous and beautiful, as follows: Gates Ajar, by the Junior claes of tbe Hieh School, wiih ihi: word "Keul" at tlie base; a basket of rlowers from tbe High Scbool teachere ; hunchus of alia lillies Trom her Suniluy nchnol clans and Trom D. tí. Monroe and famlly of Detroit ; Miss R. Milej, M!h Ida Khaw and MIib Bi'njnmin, Saline ; Miss h Ida and Nettle Qifgg, Ann Arbor ; flower by N. W. Cheover and luraily and Miss Mtry Hchneider. Golden Hule Lodpe conirlbuted a biMutiful anchor of flowers, and Wahteiu.w Chaptcr a fine wreath. The pull bearers were selected f rom her c'ass, and consisted of Henry Walker, Ilarry Hndall, George üygert, Charles l!:iti-, Elmer Iieal and Kdward liutln.