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Trade With South America

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Notwlthitaodlng the outcry against the i , mraercla) policy of thU country, it is onc of tlie first of commercial powerg. lis procrea has been so remarkable as lo innke it rank with Great Britain among the exehanges of the world. It is, theret'ore, e=pecially humiliating that our trade wlth KudCO and (lie South and ('nitral Americiis RhOUld be in its present ronilitioii. WUh the exceptlon of the French, Dutch anil Oanish West Indies, and Britltb Hondura! our Importa from the eountries to the south of us aro greatly in excemof our export to them. l.ondon te our excuange. We send our bilis to the capital Of Great Britatn for tlie payment of our iiidebtedness to our own nelghbora. Even wlien re degira to visit Deople who are hmdreda af - ucaier to our own barbón thali are to the harbors of Englaml, we slonally go to tbem by way of IJverpool. Our incrchant marine comes direct ly In competltion, In tliis trade. with the snbakUzed lülpi of Great Britain, Franc and Qermiuiy, snd, thusfar, the pover n ment bas refnsed to aid our South American tteamahlp lineseven to the extent of paying them a fair compensatiófl for carrylug Uie mails. The principal trade between this counnd tlie countrics south of us is with Brazll. Sitice 1860 our knpottationi thence have rrown in valite, from$'21,200,000 to $52,960,000, a gain of nearly 100 per cent. Our exporta during the -ame time, liave increased from $5, 740.000 to $8,000,000, an increase of aboat 4( The trade batween this country am lniii; very liltle revenue to Ilu rninent. Tlie principal articJei wblch 't: Import are eollee, bldej :i n India rubber. The ralue of them, lus year, w $47.578,473, whUe tlie valué a the dutiable articles was $5,876, 70.X Our ds an: chielly flour, clotbs. manu1 icturea f Iron and steel, aiu: fu ml ture. Tliere is no rcason why we Bhould not command the South American market for all these articles, r.nd vet we do nut iel) enougb of them to pay for the non-dutlable articles whlch we buy we wbo raise the rawcotton for our own and the l'.ritish milis eannot compete in South America wlth the spinners o Manchester and Oldham is a Aict the renson for wblch is almost bej'ond under standing. The condition of our oom rn nc is furtlier illustrated by the statisI our earrying trade. Of the 'm norri from Brazll to this country, $5,520, 000 of goods were brought in Amcricai Bteam vessela, and $:!0,"50,000 were hreaghl In fofelgn steam vessels. Kvei forelgn Mlltng vèssels did a larger carry ing trade than American tatling! vessels from Brazll tothe Inited State?. Ameri lüi e-els of this chissbrought $6,910,000 of good-, while foreign vessels bronghl NO.000. Tlie export trade to Braii wae ;il)ovit ( qually divided between Amer lean and foreign vessels. Wli it is truc of our relations with Bra il y true of our commerce with nearl; every Important South American coun try. We Min command and control the trade If we make tlie eflbrt, and exchanjie tor tlie ('ontinent muy be made in New York instead of in London, if he wil] Tliis branch of our commerce ought tn have the active a'ul and encourarement o the govemment; it would bevastly mort prosperoua tban t is if It could have sim )](¦ jiiïtiee. It is for the very dearcsi in ttrests of this country that all the Aineri -lioüld have a common cause. Ou relations shoulil he the most intímate, am yi t. us we have tbowo in what we have gaid ofBraeil, the United States and tha rlch oint Important Delghbor are on verj ditant terras. The Ladon Satarday Kevlew say "President Cleveland ileclines caiitlous ly to dub himelf a free trader; but he takeï up a free trade DOaition withou disguise. He and the leaders of hi party have taken up again the old free trade polley of the South Carolina poli tlcians. The new piesident (.f the (Jnlrenlty o California faaí been inducted into office and iiive.-ted hy the Governor with the synibolsol bil dlliie. Mr. Ilorace Davi. il not so generally known on this side ot tbe eonÜneni as some other educators He is well known In California, however, and is i té issachvisetls boy, born and bied. He was born in Worcester in :i and was graduatedfrom Harvard at the nge of 18. In 1852 he removed to California, where he niarried a dailgbter ot tlie fumóos Starr King. He representeil San l'raneisco in the forty-fifth and forty-sixth Congresses. He is a grand nepbew of the historian, George Bancroft. The lil itCOW (Scotland) Herald thinks the president a rampart free trader: "W'liclher .Mr. Cleveland U n the right (ir in wronjf, he eannot help adopting free trade orxorubnta and bolaterlng tbem up wlth free trade illustrations. Take, for ezomple, bis argument against the wool tai il', that the farming class lose vagtly more by the increas-ed jirlee of clothee ihin they gain from the enhanced price ot wool. 'i'liis readl like an extract from gome old peecb of Mr. Bright'a. PresidenJ Cleveland may lay to other, therefore, and think what he chooses, hut he has precipltated the inevitable struggle between Vnc Trade and Protection in 1 1: i ( ulted States, and that is tantamount to saying that he is on the side of free trade. In a recent eonlested case before the HoUM (¦( Kepreseutatives at Washington the candidates rfcelved some votes of student of Knox College, Illinois, atxl as Chat qiicstion bas been frequentlv brought ii in Aun ArbOfW to wliether they sh.ill Vote the followlnr frointlie CongreMlonal Record will be of Interest! BTDDEKI VOTE. Therc were 18 votes cast by Ptudents of Enox Collega and Lombard University, whieh ware claimed by contestant to be Illegal; 14 of these votes were cast for contestee and 4 for contestant. The commiltee, in passing upon the legality ot these votes, was of the opinión that where young men had entirely d tlieir connection with tbe home of their parents, anl were relylng upon tinir own retonccea, efforta, and means, Una had no lixed determination asto their future place of ibftde, they weie legal votéis at the point where tiiese colleges located; that to hok! dlfferently would be io ilcprive nvuiy worthy youag men of tlie ri'lit to vete, and disfranchise them lining the years they niiglit be engaged in their laudable enbrtl to secure an edmation. With this principia In view the eoiiinnliee made a careful exnmination ot each individual vote, and foand that the votes of three persons, whose n.unes, me included in the above li.-l of ("ini'eedc'd illegal votes for conteslee, dld not come within the principie laid down. The contestant in bis brief conceded that 1 votes cast lor liim by student were illegal, luit he mude tilla concession upon a eonstructlon of ihe law whioli is not in accordance wlth the ieus entertained by the cominittee, and the committee has, therefore, left them to bis credit.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News