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Phil. Sheridan

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Mr. Jamt R. Young, In his Interattlng weekly letter to tlie I'hiludilphia Sta : I ani told that i lie mi n wlio favor the nominaüou oí (irii. Sheiidau as the r - publican canöldate for the pretldeocy, ore abotii to renew the boom theyttarted f.ii hlm tome time ajf,o, and whlch wat making the rounds 'f the country so Mtlsf&Ctorily wlii'ii tli' íi'iieriil ave it h suelden balt, by üeclaring that under no etri umstiuiecs WOtlld lii' bu i (.andiilate. The-e pentlenietl clalm to have intimaliniis tiiat SlieridaD can be prevalled on tu ricoiisidcr his di'clinntion. Ex-Sinator Roso '8 Conkllng, who la tbongbt te be deep i ii llic sélleme to iiominatc Sherklan, isa man who does nol glve Up easily wlifii OH06 be Btartí in. He lianas on tenáciouily, uud llkea bulldox' ííiip he is hanl to simkc olí' It is s:iid BhericUn is ooiiílóVrMbly workeü up uver Vert-Ing li.--líimiklurn debate In the leimte last week, especi :lly in regard to b UtrllnK the Grant muiiuigi) front Ptterfburg to Apponi t ox by iiis aapeTlioi.8 Ibat L,"' witli h me ib liaiidi u! ni nn-n, w is nl be ten becauiv of the ovfrwh-liiil4ii nuntbttra (irán1 hil aguinst hini. Shiri d n was the fuiinpicuiiU" lijrurc in th.i c iiiipíiiL: ii, and it uatunilly riles hiin t have HDyoiie In nuU'ority Uka u ¦ ato of the I " .¦ itt-il Siaii'. w li' !-¦ ital(Hiieui inakü hiítory, alti'inpt lo dwiirf its Im or(8ncf H is tiioiiJiit io ii ive hi polltküil dandei up, mid lience is real, to do anvlhi g whicli ni;. y be iiskfd I liiiu by íns p.nty tiienils. Shfi iil :i ii i posses.-ed ot a yieii Pense ni gratitud and it is saiil it he should lie uoiiiin atcc by tiie lepnhlicHii ooaveutinn be wnnli fei'l i n dnty bouud l-i neo pl SheridanV retusal to a!lnw bit frleiid to puili hiin t i a nominal Ion duei di come trom my ili.-like lie liar lor politie or any idea tlmt, as ügiilnct ('levehinc he would llNVe DO thoM lor nu elfCtiol I have heard hit friendf say tliat althoug he looked the picture of jfod health, th general lias misgivinos at times whethe or not hU physical cniidilion as not ser ioiMly ipupalred by the exposure ant liardships he endurad durioy the a No man in the irnij saw burder servic than Sneiidan, and it is a noteworty tac tnaot the irreal tnijorlty ot Che Rghtln geni mis oí the war, Sberidan s tbe oul COntplcUOIM une w ho lias lived beyoin. the age ot 03 yeais, he buVlDH lis turned 07.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News