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Republican Committees

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At the Viirious warii CMtCUtet held on V dnesday evenlng ot' lasi w:-k, the olluwlng comniittees wcre appointed: lat ward- H. 8. Dean, Dr. W. B. Smith, J. E. Ht-nl. 2nd ward- Win. Fraok, Titus Hutzel, W 111. ierz. 3d wurd- Chas. E. IIlHCOck, Thos. Kearns, )t. Dell. 4th ward- John. S. Nowland, Henry P. Masen. Geo. H. l'oinl. 5th ward- L. C. Qoodrloli, N. D. Gates, E. S. Munly. 6th waril-A. F. Martin, V. J. Keech. Dr. C. U. Darllug. At the city convention Thursday evenng the followlug gentlemen were chosen as city cotnmittee: Joe. T. Juiuls, chairnan; Chas. E. Hiseock, Secretary; Wm. Frank, N. D. Gates, Dr. O. G. üarling, Geo. H. Pond. We have just entered upon atiother reur of work and we wonder if our 'rienda are sufflclently interested in us lo e wHIlng to asnlst us the coming year so ve can go on witli a work which we feel leserve liberal patronujce. The past year the number in our sewinjf school las been steudlly increasing. We liave evea reirulxr teachers beside who come 11 occasionally to assUt us Mrs. Mahan md Mi'c Tozer superintends the cutting and fitting. Miss Annie Wilsty aiid Miss Seyler have charge of a large class if little girls from live to nine who are ust bezinning to learn to sew. We pronote tlit-in as fust as they are able to go n the ndvaneed classes. We teach the older girla to cut and baste as well as sew. The past year we have sent out over seventy garments. The last half hour is spentin singing. Miss Mahan has charge )f this department. We have recemd lie following donations durlng year. The Misslon school of the Presbyteriau ehurch $10. The L. C. U. $10 for work done and from friends $25. The ladies ïave aided ue with money are Madames Aahley, Koster, Laugley, Royer, llngger, Trlpp. Walker, Miss Shennan and Dr. OiiTiïues. The largeat donailon from one individual was from Mrs. Koyer $5. We have reoelved material for gtirmeiits from Mrs. llurrt. Mrs. Dr. Prescott, Mrs. Steele, Mrs. W. D. Miller, Mrs. Stony, Mrs. N. W. Cheever, Miss Trueblood and Mr. Sohairer. The inerchaiits have made liberal discounts on goods. We have received a donation of a different kind which we wish our friends wonld take special notlce of and ffo and do likewise. Fred Oane sent us back numbers of the Yonth's Companion for 1887. We would likp to (üstribute papers, magazines, or !ontl-U to the children every week but our mraiis are limited and we would like our fi iends to assist us in any wny they choose, only not forget us. We meet every Saturday over Cropsey's store and invite our friends to visit us feellnjr confident that after seelngour work you will aid us. Our offioers are Miss Brown, superintendent; Miss Doijr, awirtant; Miss Henning, secretary; Miss Wilsey, treasurer. Contributions c;m be givcn to any of these ladies. M. S. Brown, Superintendent. At the parish meeting of St. Andrew'a olinrch, the treasurer's report showed tlmt $4.500 had been ral.ed durinsr the year all expenses paid and a fair balance in the treasury. The few days allowed candidates to electioneer before town meeting' ttiis year were very handsome sprint: duys nnd they seemed t be made perceptibly warmer by the liot work done. There was $500 left over froin the " local option campaign fund" and ever cent of it was expended to help defeat the repiiblican ticket In tliis city last Mondnv At least that is whata good democrat told us. At the pnrish meeting of St. Andrew' church Ut Monday the followinfr wer elected wardens and vestryinen for Ih ei]?ulnr year: Senior Wnrden- Chas. H Richmond; Junior Warden- J. M Wlieeler; Vestrymen- Dr. S. H. Douji lasa, Prof. Oeo. S. Morris, Prof. C. S Denison, E. Treadwell, Judge E. U Kinne, Dr. J. C. Wood, Wm. Coiisine H. J. Brown.