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Snowed Under

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Monday wasn't suca a very coltl day, ut we noticed that t kept growing colder and colder continually until evenng, and when the returns commenced ¦ouiinif in cold cbills went playing up and down the backs of the two republicans wtio had consented to allow tlieir lames to be used as a forlorn hope upon their party ticket; troose-pimples formed all over their epidermis, and they went o gt-t warmed and consoled at the one jlace wliere cheer aud consolation tilways comes to tliose whose minds are troubled nd hearts bowed down with sorrow: lome. The figures given behiw ehould lave litlle consolation for republicans, still It is possihle they may have for a ew. The vote In detail Is as follows, the tirst nicntioued in eacli instance being v z. te'publicans, the next dernocrats, the bird prohibitionl8ls : MAYOS. ; , 2 S 5 m a ¦ o co W. B. Smlth 127 53 162 183 78 78 S. W. Beakes 191242 140 117 91 56 N. W. Clieever 70 4 11 82 11 58 Total 388 309 320 312 180 192 RECORDER. Oeo. H Pond 169 128 168 110 106 82 as. R Bach 164 173 IS 171 64 65 Alvtn Wllsey 57 3 18 82 10 46 Total 390 299 31 313 180 19.'! SUPERVISORS. lst 2d ltt Diêtrict. wurd ward mal. AlbertOardner 220 117 28 Kugene Osterllu 128 181 Total 318 S98 3d ith ld DUtrict. ward wrd mnl. Patrlek O'Hearn 301 281 583 Daniel Strlckler, prohlb .. 18 31 Total S19 812 5lh tli Sd Ditlrict. ward ward mal. Morman U. Gates 91 73 Noah O. Butts 83 108 27 amuel O. Mlller 6 12 Total 180 193 ALDKBMKN. ltt Ward. Geo. Frank AllmendlDger 180- 19 )avld Rinsey ii E. A. (Jalklng .'.... 44 Sd Ward. Wra. Herü 291-288 Alfred H Uoys % ohn Heluzmau 1 Sd ard. Legtuald Spokes lfct- 23 George Clarkeu in Jeorge W. Ren wiek U UA Ward. Vllllam C. Stevens, (.full terra) 86 VilllamJ. Mlller, " 19", - 109 mm i:. Herbert, " ... Henry B. Dodsley, (vacancy) 104 ohn O'Mara ' 170-66 olin D. Boylan " 29 Mi Ward. Earl Ware m_ 51 Wm. V. Murray o ames B. Saunders 9 Cth Ward. Fred Barker 109-36 Allred H. Holmes 78 ilunk 11 CONSTABLES. ltt Ward. ohn s Earl 3.11-276 ui ii-l W. Amsden, pro 53 I Ward. 'uul Scliall 173-58 Yederlck Iltilin 115 MMS Murpliy, Sr. ... S Sd Ward. asper Imus 133 ohn KyHU 171-38 Vm. MattiK'ws 12 WA WtrJ. 'Ims. F. Leonard 270 'has L. Allen 31 Mlchael Clark 1 Bth Ward. ohn A. Roblnton 68 Thomas H. Codkln 9tf- 31 ..¦Hoy N. K, lob 7 Gth Wmd. Ienry Marsh 91- 46 Marquis D. Mlller ... 4rt ohn P. Jndson 50 STOHM SIGNAI,S. 'l'he oouncll remallll republlcan. Our Pond Mem to have run out. Tlien's inany r slip twixt the ballot nd tlie box. Hen in the td rrd dMo't even jet ut any slips. The coming council can well be termcd "kiil" oounell. Tlie 3d ward wlll have a good Spokesman in the council. Theie is quite a tprlnkllog of uew blood In the council Mr. Wiie Is returned for :i third time rom the öth, a rare oompliment. Mr. Bcakes runs wt-11 for a beginner. We suimise, however, that one term as mayor wlll enthely satisfy htm. The meaning of the word Bach is a reek. The current nppears to have been 00 switt for the liss iiirbulent Pond this uu1. The fouith term racket didn't count agiiinst Butts in the 3M supervisor's disrlct. There is a deekled diltereiice twixt weedie dum an 1 tweedie dee. Tlie politictil horizon (fave evidence of he resnlt all day Suinlay. the proli itf t t ni' forming in with the durk dein - cratic clouds deiioting inuch wind. It would have taken just sevcn more lipg to biivegained the victoiy. WoiiUln't ;liere have been a hutling for tl ote even if it could have been known (bey werenee!ed? Whatü In the 4th ward, M:ijfr Stevens and Henry B. Dodsley, who allowed their ïiiiins to run for the purpose of filling out the ticket, ileserve the grafltude ot he party. It was a commeudall; deed. Ye li record on s!i8 at Monday's election was (ometMof wooderlul. In he lirst ward there were 40 slips on for lim over hls opponent, in the 2d ward 59, n the Sd, :W; In the 4th 17; In the 5th, S7; is the Gth, 12; niakinj: in all 2(18. tVith sucli record a persoii can affurd to be defeaied. Taklur dl things into consideration ye ¦cribe ft-els that he made a remarkablc run. With ahout 200 straight demoratic majority to stare hlm in tlie face; with ahout the sme number of prohihiton votes. tHken Inrjiely front the repuliican ranks with a campaign fund of f500 igainht hlm; and with ayoungand xipular opponent for whom more hard work was done tlian for any democratie municipjil eandidate for jrears; with the bug bear of a foortb term contantly howled ; the outlook was not extiemely encouraging. To come out of such a contest only 12 votes behiiid i.s a thing to b prond of, and the proudest thing of all is the fact that it was accoinplisheil almost entirely by personal frienda wlio worked without money or without price. Defeat under aueh c;rcuinstances i.eiiuivalent in one's feelinjrs to victory, and there is a warm place in our heart for many a friend wlio regardless of party II nes, and the party lash gave us their aid. 'I sm prosecuting attnincy of this couuty yet," said that worthy otllciil to a certin persou whoni lie was trying to biilldnze hito sunpoiting his candidate. The fute of Hnrst, wlio wouul not plead guilty rushed before the jjcntleman' visión aiul lie ticinbllngly oflered him the eurlh ratlier thaii locur liia d8pleaaure. There was a rranil compliment pniil by Aun Arborites to one of Michif,"n's citizens lact Kridar p. m. The six o'clock train sroinjí east bore among ite passen"era Detroit' noble son and Michigan' pricle, Gen. Russell A. Alger. To jfreet him on his tiotnewHrd journey, aiid make him feel that it was good to be nmonj; bis own people once more, about l,rOOofour citizetiB, gathered at the M. C. depot, and received him wltli the band, witli cheers, and with banners. Ainonü the latterweread: "Aljrerfor President," "AlK;r " Xewsboy's Friend," ect., etc. Iminediately after the train stopped Gen. Alg-r stepped upon the rear platform and made a few very neat and appropriate remarkp, expressinjir his dolight at sucb a reception, and saying that ainong the very pleasantest thlngs in a man's Ufe i to know thal he is well thought of in his own home. The whole aftair was a pleasant one, much of the success of which 9 due to the activity of Mr. J. T. Jacobs Ín making and perfectlng the arrangement.