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Chiimber Concert next Frlday evening at Hobart Hall. Il will be au "Kvenlng w th Ameiican composers. Miss Alic Andrus of Detroit will sing, atid the the Philharmonic Club filis out the program. This will be au extraordiuary pleaslng entertainment. Tickets for the uext two concerts will be 75 ets. CLARA L0UI9E KEI.LOQO's COMPANY. Mísb Kellogg's support is, to say the least, excellent. Misa Canie Morse, a young American contralto, carne first to public notice during the reign of Dr. Damrosch at the Metropolitan Opera House In New York. Miss Morse possesses a fine dramatic contralto voice of remarkable quality and power. Signor Cario Spigaroll is an Italian by birth and has a voicc of excellent power and quality. Mr. Win. H. Lee has liad m.ich suecess on the concert stnge. His voice is a high baritone of rich quaüty and much fullnessof tone, bis distinct enunciatiou of words, together with hls fine expression, maklnj his success the greater, the more critical bis bearers. Mr. CIiüs. l'ratt, the dlstiiiguUhed pianist, is with Miss Kellogg on her present tour. The public program of the Webster Literary Society of the Law Department, oecnrs on Thursday, April 6th, '88, in Hiiom 24, main building, at 7:30 o'clock. The follinving is the program for the occasion: Muslc, 'The Morning Invltation." Sextette. Address of Welcome President, Cöas. H. Rlpley, 111. Vocal Solo "The I.tghthnusc by the Sea," Kred C. Olney, R. I. Declamación "Ho Ruby PlayeU," Cnas. H. Hart, Iduho. Music "Como, Ulse with the Lark," Male Qiiarlette. Orallon "The Confedérate Chlef," Chas K. Remy, I n.l. Vocal Solo Select, Bert.1. Whltcomb. Mloh. Poem "Keep Square with Mankind," Paul J. Sherwood, Penn'a. Music Select, Quartette. DlSSERTATIONS OJÍ DAMKI. WkKSTER. 'Krom theCradle to College,"..'. Vincent E. BayleHs, Ia. "College Days," Geo. H.SVood, O. "Colli-ge to Congress ...FredS. Flsh, Monta. 'C'ougresstonal Career," Ilenry S. Woolner, 111. "Seventh of Maren Oratlon," Oeo. 11. dable, Ia. Roirinrks, by Vrof. HVnry Wade Rogers Music "Eulatlc," Male Quartette. CLARA LOUI8E KELLOGG IN GRAND Ol'EKA. No living ainger needs a blograpby less than Miss Clara Louise Kellogg, and nowhere in the world would a biography ot her be M superfluous as to the cultured and musical people of the continent of Amrriea. waere her name is a houeholdword and her illustrious career is familiar in all lts triumphant details. Huftlce us to -ay that Miss Kellogg appears at the Grand Upera House. Slie appears in grand opera and coticer t. The opera selected is the second act oT La Kavorltaand the fourth act of Verdi's beautiful opera "Rigoletto" which will be given iu fullcostumes and stage settings. It is well-known that (liara Louisc Kellogg takes the lead not finly in muslakl matter!", but in point of fashion. The society journals publih eolutntli ol descriptive matter about her Parisino costumes, her diamonds and laces, and ullhough tliey (io not belong strictly to art, tliey are welcome additions to the Otber achievements óf the great singer. Slie has an excellent company to support her, and we may expect the best entertainment of the eeason. The appearancc of Clara Kellogg in concert and opera next Monday evt'ning at the Grand Opera House will be a rare treat for the lovers of the higbrr order of music. Sbe hs an excellent operatic OOM pan y with her. and all are to appcar incostume in the 2nd act of La Favorite and 4th act of "Rigoletto." It is not every ¦MMS that Ann Aruoiites are penniti'-'l to hear so earnest a singer as MlM KclPROORAMME. PART i. 1. Duett, Marina. Flotow Messrs. Spiyuroiïe and Lee. 2. Sognai Schlra. Miss OarrieMortt. S. Siiiik, Taun hamer Richard Wugner. Mr. Wttliam II. Kee. 4. Polonalne, Mtgnon Thomas. Mits Clara LouUe Kellogg. 5. Trio, AtHla Verdl. Miss Carrie Morse, Mésurs. Spigaroli and Lie. ti Song, "I ljove Thee" Koster. Mist Clara LouUe KeUogg. 7. Spaulsh BoI'to, M irqulta Marzo. Mr. Calo Spigaroli. 8. Dnett, "A Nlght in Venlce" Anlltl. Miss Carrie Morse and Mr. Cario Spigaroli. PART II. Secoud act of üonlzettl's Orand Opera. "LA-FA VORITA," In full CoBtuineB and Stage Settings. TheKIng Mr. Wllllam II. Lee. Femado Mr. Cario Spigaroll. Ieonora Miss Carrie Morse. To conclude with the famous y,uartelte Scène of Verdi's Grand Opera, "RIGOLETTO."


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