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T:,i' 'fytot Hoek I land C k Uiok. Orders tor this popular work wil' here;if. r bc p: pily li 1 il de. iy, of WlllüJl B III b-C nl suhserd rs II i V II lid C4Bf to i-iim. lin, W:lH lili" In tha f:ict tliat the fiist pd Hun ol the rcTlgcd isue (tor 1.88H) w:is exhausted miioli moiier tliati HliliiMp.itCd. Aiiolhcr I cdition, liowi'vcr. hun been prlnted niul ia now ready tur . l.lí veiy. O'P'" nmil.-d, pont paid. at ten (10) cents (f r jrttngQ in stamps or coin. Addie-x, E. A. UOLBUOOK. Gn T cket and Passen r A jent, Cli:C;iiJ(. Als-o, copies of tlie famon-i scientific senes "t Clirietin is Annuils, tli d ;itf) to the Boys and GirN of America- ''Watt Stephens," "Votaijinl," "IVlroliMim and ÏT -miral Qa," aind "Ómltuid Coke" - ten (10) cents e;. di. Lenrued Professors Say. muil si riou8 dÍHea-es of the learf, -iv Prof. Di Osla, may occur witnout anv j mpicni a. Prof. T uiueeau, o PáTi-, tules tlial death from heait disease ia uu II v (üiusrd by coiijfciiini of tht Uní. s. livr, Ktoniacli or kidneys trom iqtix-nVct ciiculation of the Mood. Ir. ilcs' New Cure tor Ihe He:irt is the latasl and most nli.ible leni 'ilv iir tliis littlc iinilerjtood hut jrinvc diseise. It ciiiciI tliiiisiiuls of cise8. Dni't tuil tn try it Ask r IMtlmouInla. Solil at Eberbacli and 8 'list Driif; Store "MOTHKBIS 1EAI." Á Tributo to Her Who Made Home au Eitrthiy Puradige. S ii" hul b'en a irood uiolher lli.l 1 een? Slie is vet; nltliouirll sli" lus wiiiie ml 'M.- ive, a i-weet Hinlle on Iht üfiiile liw. a ciilm ieaoc nu her brow. is yi-t, lor lu-r lite slill t;oes uu, its lender Infltifiire rtiiiig our homen, moldIng 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 v ¦ ¦ :;u,l .lisiillnur ii-eli uto our S"iil-. blic lieg Uut 8lie yet livcs. lick d'cd "ftrB - ind her Iffe was filled witli siit-li - entacs up and brigbteus and il-, SUilwai't pons K'i'her about the cofflued form. 8')'i(i wiio have ilruvii thelr liff from tilt hn aal, now motionles and still. S ns who liaveconic to "mother" in childI iiV n'iitoí', mul, looking into ilie dear evi-s, im cl.'scd, have been clieered and su linicl. Sihlwart. Mianiy sou, to eadi of whom the wusiid lorui lyinif Hit re so stili -iv bal a f tllnfr burOen. Suis who-c t. -;i ;s. u,,"x bessings, whose i-orrow wcr ile lust tribute woinan can kim, lint alas, iimtfiSr liis wliite aud sili-ni bniorn theiK. Mo Inr dead! Geiïllé il are t .ere. Daughlere wlm li.ive üOne it mid niu ot llt'e hy her siile hs ilie yiars went by. Dauhters In wIiiiiii "mutlii i" li s i-ver stood as wisc nlvi-iT. tender CmuVH ir, safe iiienil. BI Ui'ina drop from maide eje.i miiiI prinkli' tliat cold, dend face. Alas, she knows it not. Mother is dead! Furroweilol fut-, liaid-liandid aud rujtged f.illnr seu, as lic looks iuto tlie wasted face, the honny maiden the blushing bride, yonn;r mother, the affectionate vvifc. ihe loyal filend, the wise adviscr patiënt m-ite, fUktot before liim. And lliis is the end. Weldeil tuto the oak of bis nature the vine h;is clung till it is a pari of hini. The cem an'onship i f half a eentuiy ends ,'bniptly s i Throbblag thidUgh his heart is a pain to him belore il u k. tl iwn, a pain m jfieat tliat i otliiiiu can measure it, a sorrow go keen tliat te .ra will notsofieu it. Mothir driul! Uut n;o all our lives comes the knowlide at 1 ist shu is ut peace. At last she rets. Deur, eentle heart. Brave, patiënt wonian. Kitxl, loving soul. At rrtt :it la.-t (rod likws you, mother, and God pity lis. - "Tidnoc" in Toledo Journal. A Modest, Sensitlre Womnn often shrii.ks trom eonsultin a physician about fuiKti.Mial deriini:eme ,t, and prefers to suffer In s'li-nre. This in ly be a mistiiki-n tielinsf, but it is one whicli Is liryily prttTalaot To all uoh wonien we woiild say that one of the uiogt skill lul p!n siciaiis of the day, who bas had a vast expe r:ence in treatitii.' dtseases peculiar to w míen, Ims prepired a remedy which is ol inestlm.ibleaid to them. We retí r to Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescripIlon. This Is the only remedy f.r woiiiHti'.s peculiar weaknesses and irlini'nts, kl by drugplstu, under h positivo jruar' mtce froga ihe manufactuiere, that It will give latlffttOtioo in every case or inoncy refuuded. See guaraOtM printed )U bottle wrappcr.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News