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V' feu frjl" fttoiDf o" WRÜh'.S8l Time table effect Nor. 20th, iss7 ('fntril Mtandarri i i,,,, CL!l( . lo DKTBOIT Coi t fe ? ís 5 'e SI t jo_ f_ ¦. lj j A. . Ia.1I. P. P. . P. H pl ," Chicago.. Lv. 6 50 00 810 4 -10 8 15 9 5 Ka)amazoo...:12 17 100 858 950Ü28Ü vi-1 i' Battle OreekJ 112 2 Ï7 71 i i jj jf -.!' Jackson 3 ÍS 4 21) 8 4J 315 1 Si S OraísLake..J 3 : 518 S Chelaea 36 586'6 Dexter 4 1) (gig! relhlMIll... 4M 1 - Ann Arbor.... 4 88 5 81 9 45 35 'Milt ál Ypsilanti 4 60 h II 5 153 ' WayneJunc. 616 805... 515 47 i Y S Detro1i....Ar. 8 (JO (i 45il0 45 . .. . M 7,' St.Thomae 11 10, 205 ... . so a "o FllsView I I 117 .,¦¦¦ N. Falla 221 I 1 22 BM Bllffilo 435! 7 15 3 40 i J DKTKOIT TO CHICAGO. 2 I : A.M. P M 1 M. A - BiflVo .1, 1 ni N. pilU, I 45 I S! Tl.rn, ,- ; j, 1OU 1 jo ;, 0 A.M ¦ P M. l'.M. H.M : ' Detroit....! v 7 ! II ,i-."J' "v...Iihc. YpeiltDti .... 803 10 U 21 5H S5 AuuAliira... 8 IN IOSci Delhi Mili.; 8 Ui I 512; ... I l'eit' r. 887 ........ Chasca 8 52 8 05 52 Uras Lnke. 1 . . . 1; -7 111 15 Jackfon.. I !i ' 11 !5 :-'i' 7 111 ID Harik Oeik.lll 2oi I 121 -íic s.v;-j Kalamnz.... . 12 17I I 'y I 5 15 '.1 IS I ,,i .; .. Chica... .Ar. 5 4i! ¦¦¦Ktl ¦!¦ 7 0 w. KUuui.ue, 11 v 11 (i. P. P. keept Ai-t.. Ann Aii.r rttii-nfí. Toledo, Anu Se Nnrtli Nlriil.u riMIi MHWl'l.K. Totake elfect irt 12 YI"k. rmon, nr Sm . i;iy, OctolW ÍHii, ] i-i7. Traiur mu Uy ülAOÚMIi QolSU NOUril. '_ I fe vlL roledü - ManhMUu JTnuct ii 520 :{ ai ö 40 111 A-Iexl¦aniinn ft 45 :t iA 7 2 Iiiiii .hj-.c ti,Mi . . ,i.' I II , I'" 10, i l. i I VZl!l:i .i ¦", I 1-il (I Mllai. Urania 1 g v I11 mi i'l I-'if! I .... . 7 I" i , mu -U!., p ... . TI.., 10 b ¦; l.i-inii . i -: :, . Whltmo lAki i 7 -iii, . );, o r HoiMI ..... . .- . Dura' il :i ikJ V 11 1 ;m r.a i'oru ín ... .. 9 ó 7 Id 'JWIW-O ... UI II, Ï V 11 i Uwueo JiiikI ín .... 10 11: hi i i;- lilia II ni ü [, 1 Si. Lunfa ÜJi 11 ' 1 i! Mi 1' i-i-aiii i ; :mii ,j, ii o .' .[!. '. V iOI U WuLITH. I . Jí , 1 ,. f Mt. Pluiant Lv H 40 8 30 1 80 Alma 111 15 7 a, 2 2iJ f. Lo' iR 7 27 a 'th e 12 2.5 7 di 2 46 .. UWO9KO Junctiou 4 U0 8 50 4 iil' lwiw'i 4 U8 9 I' 4 08 ' Coranna 4 25 1)8 4 15 "ri'd 5 IB 9i 48n4 Howell.. T 40 10 68 SI Whltroore Lako Kzd. 11 00 tiiiiSSfl '¦eland (iiilii 11 W 7 .0 A.nnAr,hp' 7l6iU80 HSiiOtS ,"t-fllll 7 L 11 4-i 7 10 11 90 I'"1 7 ar II SU 7 W m M''n 7 45 12 0) 7 21 f2-'1'" 7 85 12 14 7: 30 12 46 ''uiidec s 03 12 21 7 40 110 Monroe Jnnction 8 10 12 31 7 51 i Su"'arla $ as 2 Jiil 8 II J tu Alexn s 4.5 10018 80 2 4i Manhnttan Jnnction 8 5 1 05' 8 37 3 0 l'olcdo Ar 9 01) 1 lo: 8 M H 15 , A. -¦ P. M.P. M. I'. M. Soutli Ljii Uraiuli. NOKTII BOÜND. STATluNS. SOV 111 BOÜNT), Train ti Traiu 1 P. M. 9 60 I.v. I,, lanrtr. Ar. o 30 10 00 Ar Worrtin Ar. 1. 10 20 Ar Smitíi Ljon Lv. 6 00 OoDDectluus: At Tul. do, lili raJJriMds diruraiujt ; ut niihitiaii .lunctiiT, wlib Vk'heellnc .t Uk K. K.;at A'. s] .Iui.ciioi:, wl h M. 0 i-.H., i., s.jt M s Ky. nd P.a P.M B.B.;I Uniiroe J unctloD. ithL.s.jí v s. Hi ai m. dfi', witl. U 8. M. -. Ky.. M. A O. Wy.: irl M 1 luiictlon. with Wiihal. Bt. Lfitll A Hm ifl it Pittsiluld, witii L. -. A .i.. Ity.; al Aun Arbut wilh .Miclii(a:i l'ontrl H. R., nnd ;.l South LiOD with Utiroit, La: mhk & Northern li. K., nml Mlch. A. L íl. nfO'and I rnnk Ky. At Hunijurtr wlth M. A. Li.u [ivl-iii. O "il T,u k R'y. At ll.iwfU wiih Dalrolt, L'iislnj A N" ribero K'j. 1 Diirand with ch cigi A Omnd I'mh.k K'j an , Duirc.ii, o-ni.(] Haven .v Mil ti R' . v b -' nnetton iih Detroit, 1 rand Htven A MI'wji kae K', and M chiban fentri H. K. Ai ft Iiiíí wilh Lj sil k Nonh.Tn K. U. .111.1 s n VUlT St. Louis h'y. AtA'maII !)ir.,t, ljin?liisr & N'rthirn H'v Ai M Pií as ni itb Flmt A Vire M irquette K"y. H. v . ASHLBY, Smeral .M mi fr. W. B. BKNNETT, A. .1. l'AISI KV. Qeu'1. P. Tickrt ffi'nt. I., c-,1 .Kecit. Kstatéiif Darius Pimr. " OTATf: i F MIlHOAN. Coilut) 01 W.htenii Os. At a exílon ot thi' Cmirt ior ih' C0111 1 j of Wavhtenaw, holden ai ihu Probate 1 'ffl.e 1 11 Díe clty of Aun Arbor. otl Ti:e-Uv. ihr 20 !i March in th year une thoiiMind ei'iii Imndred and elRhty-elfjht. Preaent, Willmm l. Harriman ludííe ol Prooftte. In the matter of the estáte of Darlu P cref, d.ceaed. Nathan Pieir-, exet ntor of last will and textament ol said deceared, roniw into court and reureents that he now Drojiared to ri-nder hia final acconn' as snch x cutnr. Thereupoiiit ioordered, umt Tu silay, tl.e nrsf teel.lh day nf April next, ni ten o'clock m t1 nooh he ;icsitriiiMÍ lor the examlnliiL' at-d allnuitip of rarh arconnt. and thul the deviaeef", 1-giie.í and h'ir(í-ai-law 01 Müd de 'eased, and all .Un ' p-rotip intereitied in SHideítatu,.ire reumied t appctr at a secslon of said conrt, ilien to In holden u ti" Prolmte office, in the clty ol Ann Arlior, in rai c nnty and sh" cause, ifanv there be. 'b) tl.e said account nht.uld not beallovved: And It ip further ordert-d, that aid ex' eulor givenntice toihe persona lntraated 1 satd mik,o the pendeney of aid aecounr and the hearing thwfof, by cauaiiif! a copy of this order to be puolli-swl in the Ann Arbor UouHéTy a newnpaper prititeditnd clrcnlatitiL' in -aid coun'y. ;w.' snccesWi eckp previouH to said day o! hearine. A irue copy. WILL1AA1 D HAlililMA -, lud''eof Pi-nhiK'. WM.fí . D C )T Y , Probate R.-giter. l:.!8 lU'iil Kfilate Tor Sale. OTATKOF MICHKiAN.Conntyof Wnhteiiiw, In the Matter of Hu' EtUta 'il Cl.iik M. My, diceared. Noticií Í8 hereby eiven. that In puruai'.c ¦ of ti order tranted to the Qnderslgned arimniistratoií oí the estáte of atd Clark M. 8ly, deceased. h) the Hon. Judxe of Probite for the C'ounty of Ws-htrnaw, on the 2lt day 01 May, A. D. IX 7. torre ill be Bold at public rendn. t 1 the hlvheal lildder, at the late iei-id.;nce of faid di ccatcd in !'" shipofSuper or, in the Cunat) of Wasbtemw. In salrt State, on Tuewlay, thi'rtrpt day ol A. D. 1888. ai teu o'.loek In the lo eDoonof tht day (nuhject to uil encnmhnwrer b moittc otheiwlse exiatliiK at the tini ¦ of lh.' death "f cald decearcd) the folio vini; dewrilwd real MUWi t..-i;: All ..f the Kast -'xiv aerea "f the Rasl liairol th Soiuh-BuHt qnirter of sectlon nnm er tbr i3-;)li. t' e 1. wu-hlp ol s. In ibe Uouoiy o' Wa-hteuaw and Sian' of Miciuuan. VI'IIAN l', sl.Y, HOliY P. 8LT, Plad Mtich 8. 1888. . MUm toTredllors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Wasnten. 14 Notice Is bereby giv.'n. thatbyan onl.r nl 11" Proiiatc Court for the Cntinty of H'aohten raad.' on the II -t day of Mtreh, 0. l8"líS nentha fnm ilmt date ivere alu'ucd u.r cni.liora to pi. .ent theii claims afatnat the MUM '" Dartd W. ftojtr, lite of iatd county, 'I and Duit dl credit i of said decsased are requii to preaenl their claims to waid i'robaie Court, "' wc ProbateOfflce, In the clty of Ann Arbor. for eJeaioBation an'1 illowance, on or beiore the 1-1 f'n% ". Sept. mbar nexi.and that mch claims will lic baare oelore aid couri, on Frlday, the t" "' Jnne, and 011 alulday, the 1-t dav ol Sep ' '" ". ueït, ai ten o'clock In the forenoon -.t eacb "' "aid day. üated. Ann Arbor, March lst, A. D WII.L1AM D. HA1...IMAN, I8M '.'.V Jnd .- " f ¦ I Plao's Remedy for ('atarrli 1.1 ¦ I Best, Kiwlest lo Use, and rheai'csL I Hold by ilnii:i;lst.s or sent by mail. I .r" . KT. EualttM, Wurren. IM. 0


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